The Starting Point, Part Three

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     Liz exited the lunch room and saw Yuki eyeing Ethan. How dare she! Liz thought. She looked down at the new dress she had bought. It was her favorite color. A deep sea blue. It matched her soul a deep and dark place. Liz had always tried to impress Ethan from the time she was little. And now this girl whose hair was a bark, or even worse poop brown, whose eyes were as pale as white. This girl, Yuki, was Liz's arch rival. And Liz made it known.

     Liz looked at Yuki a final time and walked over to Ethan, who like always was deep into hsi book. "Ethan, don't you just love my new dress?" Liz did a quick spin, shwoing how the deep blue would shift color slightly under the schools harsh lighting. Ethan ignored her, and continued to read his book. Liz talked on anyway, black hair swaying as she talked. "So Ethan I was thinking that maybe we could hang out this weekend? Maybe see a movie I don't know what they'll be showing but I think we could find something!" She took a breath, trying to calm herself she didn't want to seem clingy. "I miss hanging out with you! And my mom misses you too, she's always talking about how you are one of the best friends I'll ever get!" She snorted then began to laugh. "And how dumb that girl, Yuki, must be to just stand there and do nothing, I mean she looks like a stalker or something!"

     "Just leave me be." Ethan said. Furious Liz stormed away, going to her locker, she opened it with force, grappled her history, and slammed the locker shut, slammed it so hard that a loud crash could be heard In the office. Liz didn't care if she got into trouble, detection sounded nice actually. She stomped as she walked up the stairs, turned the corner and walked slightly more calm into her next class. Nobody was here yet, nor would anybody be there for another good five minutes. Liz used this to her advantage and started texting her friend Emile. Liz's fingers flew across the keyboard as she vented about how Ethan was being a jerk and ignoring her and how Yuki was being so annoying.

     'If it bugs you that much why not just ask him out already? I mean come on, it's not like he's gon' anywhere. So just tell him! K?' Emile replied. Emile ALWAYS knew what to say to make Liz feel good about herself, to make Liz feel confident. BRIINNNNNNNG! The bell ring and Liz put her cell away and got ready for class to start. Even if she hated history,  She would still try her best.

     One class turned into two, two into three. The third one was English her next class with Even. And Liz spent most of the class glaring at him. Trying to get him to tell her why, how, when, what, anything. Liz wanted answers. And Liz was going to get them. BEEP "Good Afternoon Students, Today's Announcements Will Be Short...." Liz stared hard at Even she didn't care what was going on with the basketball team, or when baseball was going to start.

     Liz sighed, she just wanted to talk to Even that's all she wanted. BRIINNNNNNNNG. Liz grabbed her backpack and ran to Even. "Even! Hey Even!" He just ignored her. Liz was left alone, abandoned by her best friend. She didn't know what to do. She took a deep breath and walked to the bus stop. If Even didn't giver her a ride home she would just ride the bus.

     Liz pulled her headphones out of her backpack and slipped them on her ears, she wasn't going to listen to the children, nor her fellow classmates. She just wanted to be left alone. Scrolling down she picked American idiot by Green Day. She figured why not? Leaning back in her seat so that she is partially hidden, she began to hum along with the lyrics. She would be home soon and then this day could be over and done with.

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