/ Autumn Bradshaw \

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Elementary School

My Little Rooster,

Gosh, it's hard to think you're going to big girl's school now – six years old already! It's intimidating, isn't it? But I know you'll do amazing there. You'll probably be the teachers favourite in no time. You're going to do amazing things, I know you are, and I'll be with you every step of the way, as will Maverick, Phoenix, Coyote, Hangman, Payback, and Fanboy. If you need anything, just go to one of them and they'll help you. Have a great first day of big girl's school, little rooster, and just know Daddy's always with you.

Love you loads, honey bug.


My Little Rooster,

You've grown so much. You're eleven! Last time I saw you, you were just a little baby around four months. Gosh, I miss you, my little baby, but just know that I am so proud of you. Like I said all those years ago, I know you'll move on to do great things. Remember, if you need anything at all, you can always ask Maverick or the team.

Love you loads, honey bug.


My little Rooster,
Gosh, you're already fourteen and going to high school! Soon enough, you'll be graduating. I'm sure Pete's already told you this, but I am extremely proud of you, kiddo. There are so many things I wanna say to you, hunny, but I can't fit them into words. I'm just so proud of you. I'm sure there's been ups and downs in your life so far, but I know you've come out on top of everything, and you always will.

My best advice for high school, hunny, is just make friends. The friends you make during these four years are friends that will last a lifetime. I know it might not feel like high school is something you need to do, but for anything you want to do in the future, you'll need an education. This includes high school, Autumn, so don't start skipping, okay? Unless it's important like your friend is going through a hard time.

Remember I love you and I always will, hunny. Have a great first day.

Love you loads, honey bug.

Graduation from high school

My Little Rooster,
You did it, you made it through the hell that is high school! I am so goddamn proud of you, hunny, and I know everyone you've surrounded yourself with is as well. I can't believe you're eighteen... it feels like yesterday I was cradling your little baby body in my arms while your mother slept (probably because it was last weekend for me).

I'm just so proud. Everything you've gone through, everything you've ever done has prepared you for your future, whatever path you decide to choose. Though, if you grew up with Pete as your guardian, I could imagine that it's becoming a pilot.

Remember, hunny, I'll be with you every step of the way and I'm always with you. No matter what. Attached to the letter is a necklace for you, hunny. Daddy's proud of you, little Rooster, and I always will be.

Love you loads, honey bug.

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