/ Lt. Natasha "Phoenix" Trace \

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Dear Phoenix,

I had a feeling I wasn't gonna be coming back from this mission. If you're reading this, then it means I was right to give these to admiral Warlock. Just... don't feel guilty, okay? There was no way to know whatever happened was going to happen. After all, it was a routine mission, something we've done a million times before. It just so happened that this time was different than all the others. I have just one request of you, Phoenix. Well, two really.

My first request: don't feel responsible for my death. You're an amazing pilot, and with Bob as your RIO? You two are practically unstoppable! So don't you dare feel responsible for whatever happened out there because you weren't. The fault of my death is on me, no one else but myself. I'm a lone pilot, it was going to happen at some point.

My last request: look after Autumn. Mav's probably gonna be struggling a lot with my death so he may need help. But he's the type of guy who doesn't want to ask for that help, but he'll appreciate it if you can tell when he needs it. My dad was the same, apparently. My death will probably remind him of that, and he's gonna need as much help as he can get, especially raising my daughter if Lauren does what I think she's gonna do.

Just take every day as it comes, okay? And be the older sister Autumn needs. I love you, Phoenix, and I'll see you when I see you.


Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw

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