#2 What If Wax Stan Came To Life?

Start from the beginning

The door creaked open, revealing...Grunkle Stan. He turned, smiling at them.

"Hey kiddooos", Grunkle Stan spoke enthusiastically.

"Hi Grunkle Stan", Mabel responded.

"Dude, you look really glittery", Soos questioned, stroking his facial hair.

Grunkle Stan stared at them for a minute, then replied, " I spilled some glitter on myself."

He stiffly strode past them, looking back, "Also, I'm cancelling the grand wax statue museum opening. Toodaloooo!"

He walked away, Soos trailing behind him.

"Toodaloo? That's not at all like Grunkle Stan", Dipper muttered. "Mabel, can we talk?"

"Sure bro", Mabel replied.

They ran up the stairs and into their room. Dipper quietly shut the door, placing a chair in front of it. Mabel smirked at his paranoia.

Mabel sat on her bed, "What's up bro bro?"

"Stan is acting really strange. With the weird things that have been happening in Gravity Falls...I don't know Mabel, what if he's possessed or something?", Dipper remarked.

"He has been acting a little weird, but it's probably just and old person thing", Mabel explained. "It's not like he's setting the house on fire."

"I guess...", Dipper murmured.

"Welp, I'm gonna go drink some Mabel Juice", she grinned, leaving the room.

Minutes later, Dipper tiptoed his way into Grunkle Stan's room. He winced when the door creaked open, stepping into the room. Dipper's eyes searched the room, when muffled sounds suddenly came from the closet. He stalked closer, opening the closet doors. Dipper gasped as he looked into his Grunkle's angry eyes. Grunkle stan was tied up, with duct tape covering his mouth. Dipper ripped the duct tape off.

"When I see that evil copy cat, I'll rip his arm off and smack him in the face with it!", Grunkle Stan growled.

"Wh-What happened to you?" Dipper stuttered.

"That good for nothing wax statue impersonated me! He's a crazier criminal then me!", Grunkle Stan fumed. "Dipper, are you gonna untie me?"

Dipper nodded, working out the knots and releasing his Grunkle. Stan stood up, rubbing his wrists. The walked out of the closet, to see Wax Stan grinning down at them.

"Helllooo, I see you've been released Stan", Wax Stan giggled.

"You sound like and idiot", Grunkle Stan snapped. "You're nothing like me!"

"Glitter does a thing or two for you", Wax Stan replied. "You should try it."

"What do you want?" Dipper shouted.

"I want to be a human! I don't want to collect dust in some hidden place, or have people gawk at me! I want to be normal, and for that to happen, I have to get rid of Stan", he laughed. "And guess what? I have a whole army to help."

As if on cue, all of the wax figures from earlier barged into the room. Along with them was Soos, Mabel, and Wendy, being held prisoner by Wax Sherlock Holmes and Wax Genghis Khan. Wendy was slumped forward, a small bump forming on her head, while Mabel and Soos continued to struggle.

"While you were having fun and running the mystery shack, these guys were trapped. They grew very angry at you, Stan. The only one who continued to be loyal to you was Abraham Lincoln, whom I was created from!" He coughed. "They tried to convince him, but he wouldn't listen."

Grunkle Stan let out a war cry, and tackled Wax Stan. Then, chaos broke through. Fists we're flying and wax limbs were dismembered. Through the midst of it all, Dipper managed to lead Stan, Mabel, Soos, and a now conscious Wendy to the living room. He had a plan forming in his mind.

They dashed into the living room, Dipper searching everywhere.

"Dipper, whatever plan you have, hurry!" Mabel said in a panicked voice.

Dipper grasped a light and set the wood in the fireplace on fire. He waited, listening.

"Dudes, their coming!" Soos gulped.

"It's all good, Dipper's got a plan", Wendy said coolly.

The wax figure army stampeded into the room, brandishing their weapons angrily. They creeped towards the gang, missing the fact that Mabel was by the doors.

As soon as they had filed in, Dipper nodded and Mabel slammed the door shut.

Twin Telepathy, thought Mabel.

"Lead them to the fire!" Dipper yelled, holding out the lighter.

Wax and flesh clashed, both sides winning and losing. Dipper began slowly melting every statue that came close to him. Mabel, Soos, and Wendy began shoving the wax figures into the fire. One by one, the statues were melted, until Wax Stan was the last one left.

Wax Stan growled, glaring. He launched himself onto Grunkle Stan, wrapping his hands around his throat.

"DON'T TOUCH MY SOON TO BE FATHER!" Soos boomed, prying Wax Stan's fingers off of Grunkle Stan.

He fell to the floor, coughing. Soos tackled Wax Stan, and flung him into the fire.

"Noooooo!", Wax Stan cried.

And with that, Grunkle Stan's wax figure museum was no more.

"We'll that's a relief!", Mabel exclaimed, hugging Grunkle Stan.

"Guess the wax museum was never meant to be", Grunkle Stan sighed. "Thanks guys."

Stan meets Wax Stan! Thanks for reading guys, it means a lot. I hope you enjoyed, and I hope you stay along for the ride! Have a great week! Also, I'm open to What If suggestions.

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