Chapter 8

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Writer's POV:-

'Well, Ambika has worked hard to get that position in the Serene architects.' Aryan said.

Rajveer who was engrossed in his files looked up and saw Ayran entering his office with a black file.

'Yes, what did you say?' Rajveer frowned.

'I said that Ambika Bose is labourios, she has always perfectly used her razor sharp brain when it came to architecture.' Aryan said.

'How so?' Rajveer took the file from Aryan and read the title.


He opened the files and began to go through it.

'Here. Hotel Grand Palace, one of the most stylish buildings of the country, was designed by none other than Ambika.' Aryan said.

Rajveer's eyes widened in surprise or should I say he was impressed.

'And see this. The Palace of Rajasthan, one of the most expensive and stylish hotels in the world, once was a failed one. The owners needed a well experienced architect to make it a full pledged lifetime income source.

Many architect firms have competed to get this contract but nobody could believe that Serene Architects would get this contract. Well thanks to our Ambika Bose, who convinced the owners of The Palace of Rajasthan and marked this contract as theirs.' Aryan continued.

'Wow. Impressive. Remember she was a bright student in school too.' Rajveer said.

'Don't forget that she is a betrayer.' Rajveer's brain said.

'But she may had a reason to do this.' Said Rajveer's heart.

But Rajveer ignored the wrangled argument between his brain and heart.

'What about relationships?' Rajveer enquired.

'No. But she has a amiable relationship with Officer Gautam Shekhawat. And apparently, she is in a relationship with him.' Aryan words burnt Rajveer out of jealousy.

'Officer....' Rajveer said.

'But there is a catch.' Aryan said.

'What's the catch?' Rajveer fixed his eyes on Aryan.

'The catch is that Ambika had literally disappeared from the firm and stayed low upto 15 March.

And then just landed to Kolkata out of nowhere at the dawn of 15th March because of her elder cousin's wedding.' Aryan said.

'Aryan what was the date of our deal again?' Rajveer said.

'Umm.. 14 March.' Aryan said.

'Hmm. Search the club and my suite where I stayed that night minutely I repeat minutely.' Rajveer said. Ik

A smirk appeared on one corner of Rajveer's mouth.

Rajveer got up from his cosy and luxurious desk chair and went towards the large glass window and looked through the Kolkata city.

Hustle bustle of people in a hurry, beggars on the street, and many more...

Rajveer thought about something for a second.

'Any problem Rajveer?' Aryan said.

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