♯ first name habits

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     NORMALLY, the streets would have been empty so late at night but here you watched individuals fill the entirety of the pavement as they either walked in or out of the club.

you ignored the consistent flirting of men, mainly focused on aizawa giving you a lecture on ordering an uber when he wanted to be the one to pick you up.

"shouta," you sigh, attempting to reason with him, "i didn't want to wake you up or bother you when you're probably spending time with eri or working."

a sigh that matched yours was heard from the other side, "you're never a bother to me... if anything i want you to bother me."

you smile, pressing the phone closer to your ear, "you sure? i don't think you'll like that side of me."

he chuckles, shuffling heard in his background, "what type of man would i be if i couldn't handle you in your worst moments?"

you could only hum at that, briefly checking the status of the uber, disappointed to see that all the traffic in this area was likely slowing down the driver.

"are you sure you don't want me to pick you up?"

"i'm actually starting to consider it now," you groan, "it seems like this uber could take a while."

"yeah? i mean, if i leave now i could be there within fifteen minutes."

"that sounds ideal but," you paused, leaning against the wall to support your weight, "there's a lot of people trying to get through tonight so the traffic might make your trip a bit longer."

you heard aizawa curse under his breath and you laughed, easily catching his attention, "what's so funny?"

"nothing, just," you laughed again, "you must really want to see me with how persistent you are on picking me up."

"yeah, of course..." he answered, humoring your way of teasing him, "i always enjoy seeing you... but i've never seen you in your work attire so that would've been quite the sight."

"i'll give you something to see tomorrow, yeah?"

"definitely," he agreed, leaving you to imagine the small smile on his face, "you could even stay the night... or even a few days if you want."

"really?" you stood up straighter, "what about eri?"

"she'll be with her mom this weekend."

"holy shit," you grinned, thinking about the various possibilities in the allotted time you would spend together, "you'll really spend a whole weekend with me?"


"well, what're we gonna do in those few days?" you ask, just trying to past time as you waited for your ride.

"wanna go to a hotel?" he suggested.

"that'd be nice," you smile, "we could probably—"

the sound of honking caught you off, not sure if your eyes were trying to throw you off by creating the illusion of someone you met on tinder a little over a month ago.

not daring to even say his name with your words caught in your throat, you quickly checked your phone to see if it was probably your uber but it wasn't.

"hey, shouta," you spoke, catching his attention as he waited for you to come back on the line, "i'll call you back once i get home, my ride is here."

"alright," he sighed, "don't forget to call me, stay safe."

you assured his thoughts, hanging up and approaching the car with slight caution as you still felt like you were hallucinating.


"i thought i told you to not call me that," his voice calmer than how his messages perceived him to be but his words were all the confirmation you needed to prove that it was him.

"uh, sorry," you laughed, "it's a habit."

katsuki reached over to pull on the handle of the passenger and push the door open, "well, are you gonna get in the fucking car or what?"

"yes!" you answer quickly, afraid that if you stood there any longer he would actually leave you here.

you got in the car, buckling yourself and sat as silent as ever.

this was not how you predicted your first meet to go.

katsuki didn't say much of anything either, or rather, just like you he didn't know what to say. he directed his frustration towards his steering wheel, gripping the material.

"where do you live?"


your attention lifting from picking at your nails since you weren't sure what to do or say in this current situation.

as your eyes connected, katsuki was first to look away, focusing back on the road, "your address... i need it to take you home."


he typed your address into the GPS as you told him, silence filling the car again.

the entire ride you were praying for it to be over already, feeling tortured by the energy that was created between you. although you chased after him for the first few weeks upon meeting his aura was much different than you expected and you were starting to get comfortable with aizawa so your interest was beginning to fade.

"we're here."

"...already?" you looked out the window, then back over to katsuki, seeing that it would be appropriate to thank him as you were sure he'd never speak to you again after this, "uhh, well, thanks, kat— i mean, bakugou," you corrected yourself, "you didn't have to come get me, so i appreciate it."

"no problem," he shrugged.

with that, you opened the door, grabbing your bag and hopped out before closing the door again.

it was just as you waved goodbye again that bakugou waved to you as well but just like before his hands gripped the material of the steering wheel.

"y/n," he called out, his voice only raised enough for you to hear him from that distance.

you stopped in your tracks, turning around, worried that he was possibly mad at you but you didn't even notice him calling you by your first name.


you slowly walked closer to the car, freezing when he turns his head on his crossed arms and looks at you with eyes that were low and lidded, displaying his sleepiness.


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