♯ it's a match!

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    THE sight filling the apartment living room was the average group of yourself, your roommates, and their significant others sitting around the couch, sprawled across the floor surrounded by alcoholic drinks, snacks and blankets that displayed the occasional movie night.

"so, then he just blocked you?" toga questioned, arms slumped over the shoulders of her girlfriend, amya, who was also curiously tuned into the story of your newfound tinder obsession.

you nodded, disappointed since you likely lost your chance of ever communicating with someone that actually caught your attention.

a small laugh was heard from your roommate tomura, but only seethed seconds later upon receiving a light slap to his chest by his girlfriend, lani.

"it's not funny." she furrowed her brows, making it obvious for him to read the room.

the input of jin and his girlfriend, malaika would have no doubt made you feel better, but those two were sleeping peacefully together.

then, there was dabi.

you peeked over your shoulder, a bored expression obvious on his features as he had an arm around you and intently watched the way you talked.

"what?" he smirked, waiting for you to say what was on your mind.

"well! what should i do?"

dabi patted your head and pinched your cheek. "i'm still up for grabs," he suggested, being amongst the only single friend in the group aside from yourself. "why don't you have me instead?"

"i don't want you." you groaned, pretending to gag to show your lack of attraction to the male.

dabi laughed, shoving you playfully.

"just try again." he shrugged, bringing you back close to him. "it won't be that bad to find someone else."

it's true, although that was technically the point of the app.

if you hadn't met your ideal match you would just have to keep swiping, but at some point that would grow tiring.

you nodded, the room discussing that dabi's idea of just moving on and finding someone else wasn't a bad idea. once the group went back to watching another movie for the night, you switched on your phone, quickly taking the time to swipe through a few individuals.

it was when your screen flashed a few multicolors that dabi groaned behind you from the bright lights. you apologized, gazing back at the device to see a match.

you grinned, pressing on the profile despite already looking through it before. not wanting to make the same mistake with katsuki, you decided to go for a more formal response when greeting them.

hi! 😊


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