Chapter Twelve, Punishment

Start from the beginning

Sure, generous. Generous would be what I had fantasized, not getting an earful about my own life. But I remained completely neutral with my expression and shakily stood up, eyes locked onto the ground as I walked beside him. "I only do this to remind you there are consequences for your actions. And as a bonus, it gives you quite the pain tolerance." He reasoned to himself. He knew I wouldn't talk. I knew I wouldn't talk. In short, we both knew he was a crazy old coot talking to himself, with a walking mirror to bounce off his thoughts. When the grandiose doors were opened and my sorry state was revealed to the guards, they too remained completely emotionless to it. They had to, otherwise they would face far worse consequences than anything I've ever gotten. "If I didn't have anything better to do, I'd keep you close on a leash all day. I swear Hunter, you've become a rebellious little teen, and I will not allow it to continue." He rambled as we walked down the halls towards wherever he decided to take me. I didn't want to ask of course.

"Hunter, just tell me this, would you or would you not feel much better just listening to me? Why is that so hard for you?" He asked with clear frustration. I thought about my answer for a while as we walked in silence. I quietly spoke in a meek manner. "I guess I'm not good enough to do all of the things you ask..." I barely whispered in response to his questions. "Oh nonsense Hunter, you can easily do the things that I ask of you. You're a very smart, talented young man, and I expect only the best from you because I know you can do the best." He quickly shut down what I had said and scoffed. He stopped and I followed suit at a pair of fairly large doors. He opened it with a simple hand gesture like a dismissal, opening it magically. I followed him into the private bedroom and watched him sit down on his large, luxurious bed. He magically closed the large, beautiful doors with countless details and looked up at me. "Well come on Hunter, sit down." He told me and I followed his instructions. I got as comfortable as I could be sitting next to him and stared at my lap.

"Hunter, what you did was irresponsible, foolish, ridiculous, and reckless... However, luckily for you, I can't dwell on your little escapade right now. I'm too busy preparing, and you still need to visit Darius later. And you will thoroughly apologize for not showing up the first time, young man." He scorned and I nodded. "Now lay down so I can treat your back." He told me and I hesitantly laid down. I didn't feel safe not being able to watch his actions. He slowly pulled off my thoroughly beaten up shirt and tossed it aside. I tried to watch what he was doing, but it was very hard to see. "Just relax Hunter, this should feel nice compared to what happened just a bit ago." Belos told me and slowly ran his cold fingers along the different cuts and wounds on my back, sealing them up one by one. Once the last cut had been sealed up, he slowly laid down beside me. I looked over at his lifeless eyes and sighed, pressing my face into the cushy mattress. It felt even better than Edric's, it was like if honey was soft and a mattress.

I pushed myself all the way onto it and sunk into the soft substance. I shivered when a chilly hand rubbed my sore back. "You can rest for the evening Hunter. Even though you don't deserve it." He added with an obvious edge to his statement. I nodded tiredly and looked at him as he slowly rubbed my back. I was very shy to ask what was on my mind. "Could you stay with me..?" I asked in a soft voice. His old face grew a warm smile as his hand stopped. "I would love that Hunter. I am busy, but that's worth much more than any amount of work." He hummed and opened his arms to me. I repositioned myself and him a bit before hugging him. "My my Hunter, you haven't done this since you were much younger. It pleases me to see you picking up the affectionate habit once more." He said with seemingly authentic joy in his voice. I didn't bother to guess if it was real, I was too tired. I buried my face in his leathery, powdery neck and closed my eyes, relaxing at the old feeling of laying in his arms when I was little. I started to fall asleep as a shaky hand combed through my hair. "Sleep well my golden gift." He mumbled to me and I smiled, slipping into an unusually comfortable sleep.

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