Chapter 19: Is It Too Late?

Start from the beginning

"Harry? Are you okay? Tell us where you are!" Louis says frantically.

"It – it doesn't matter, 'cause we won't be here long."

"What? Harry, just tell us – "

After taking in a shaky breath, Harry says, "I have to go soon. This is the only chance I'll get at saying goodbye to all of you."

"Stop this, Harold. It's not funny," Louis demands, although his voice is shaking.

"Yeah, Harry. You can't give up now. We'll figure out a way to get you out of there. You just have to tell us where you are. Please. We wanna make sure you'll be okay once you're away from him."

"But I – I don't wanna be away from him anymore."

"Harry, stop lying. I know he's making you say this s***. We're gonna save you from him; we promise."

"You can't," Harry whispers, tears rolling down his face.

"We should get going now," Liam informs him before the others can say anything in return. "Lads, this conversation has been nice and all, but we have to catch our flight. This phone call is upsetting Harry anyway, and I won't have that. Goodbye then."

Sniffling as Liam hangs up the phone, Harry turns around and buries his face in Liam's shirt. He sobs and lets the tears fall, Liam rubbing his back and shushing him.

"I know it's gonna be hard to be away from them, but everything will be fine."

"I – I'm gonna m- miss them."

"You'll have me from now on, though. And I'll make sure you won't ever be this upset again. I promise you that, Harry. You made the right decision, and I'm so happy that you did. I love you, remember?"

"O- okay."


"Call him back! Jade, call him back!"

"I can't. I think he blocked my number or something. My calls won't go through."

"Great. How f***ing great is this," Louis says in defeat, looking up at the ceiling. "Anne's gonna kill us for letting this happen to her baby."

"F***, f***, f***," Zayn mutters, pulling at his hair.

"This can't be happening," Niall declares, his accent getting stronger. "We can't just let this happen! No f***ing way! Harry would never give up on us if we were the ones kidnapped and forced to leave. We have to do something."

Louis and Zayn don't respond, not knowing what to say at all. Eleanor and Perrie try to soothe them by telling them everything will be okay, but even they're doubting that.

"Niall's right," Jade speaks up, looking at everyone else.

"But what can we do? We have no idea where they're going. For all we know, they could've left already."

"Not necessarily, Louis. We might be able to catch up to them if we leave now."

"We're coming with you," Perrie declares.

"Um, don't we get a say in whether or not you can go?" Louis protests.

"Nope," Eleanor responds.

The girls get up from their seats after bidding goodbye to their boyfriends (or in Jade's case, Niall) and that they'll be back later. The boys argue, telling them not to go without at least one of them, but the girls argue that they're injured and won't be of any help there.

"And besides, if anything happens, we'll let you know ASAP."

"El, I don't like this. I really don't like this."

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