Chapter 5

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The next morning, Will awoke to the sound of sharp knocking on his door. Checking his watch, he saw he hadn't overslept, he wasn't late for work. So he sighed, not understanding what the hell someone was doing outside his room at this time. He opened the lace curtains to allow some light into the dim room, and gazed out over the street, enjoying the moment. Until the knocking came again, harder and louder this time.

"Okay! I'm coming!" Will yelled, striding to the door and flinging it open. His mouth opened slightly in shock. Mike.

"Hey, Mike, do you need something?" Will's confusion was evident in his face.

"Yeah, my coat." Mike's tone was blunt as he stared down at Will.
"My mom told you I was coming to get it this morning, remember?"

"Oh, yeah, right," Will fumbled, his mind still foggy from sleep as he searched his room for where he'd abandoned the coat the previous night. Mike stood leaning in the doorway.

"Uh- right, okay, here it is," Will reached for the coat and let out a disgusted "ugh!" as he touched it.

"It's still wet," Will replied apologetically, looking at Mike's confused face.

"Bring it back to mine later then. Or I can come pick it up after your shift. Or I can take it now. Or literally just keep it. There's a few options for you," Mike shrugged, not moving from his position in the doorway.

"Oh, yeah, can you come and get it after my shift then? If you don't mind? I'll take it with me to the restraunt, it might dry quicker- it's soaked," Will rambled.

Part of him wanted to continue his conversation with Mike, he felt guilty over their argument the other day, but there was nothing more to be said. A coat wasn't really the best imaginable topic of conversation, and Will didn't have time to start making small talk as Mike was stood uncomfortably in his doorway, and he needed to get ready for work.

Mike obviously agreed on the "nothing more to say" part, as he turned and walked out the door, raising his hand in a brief wave, and muttering a "Later," as a goodbye.

"Later," Will replied, before realising Mike was probably well out of earshot at that point.

Quickly, Will changed into his uniform and headed out of the B and B, pausing only briefly to ask Robin for directions to the restraunt, which she gladly gave.

Will pushed open the door to the restraunt, and the small slam of the door behind him caused both Max and El to lift their heads from the bar they were sat at, both holding what looked like smoothies.

"Will!" El called, friendly as always. Max nodded in acknowledgement with a small smile, and Will reciprocated the action as he walked over to them.

"Hey guys, what've you got there?" He indicated the drinks.

"Smoothies," Max replied, confirming his previous thoughts.
"We're allowed to have whatever drinks or food we want during work hours, all for free. We're just trusted not to overdo it, which is understandable."

Will nodded in agreement. "Could I get one?" He asked gingerly, remembering the rush he left his room in, and the fact he hadn't bought anything for breakfast on his way down.

"Sure! Me and Max will show you around, how everything works, your assigned tables. The essential," El grinned, and she and Max both stood up and headed towards a "staff only" door, checking to make sure Will was following.

Will found the morning to be slow, with very few customers, and the majority of it was spent sitting on the bar stools drinking smoothies with Max and El, or in the staff break room with them, or occassionally serving bacon and toast to an old couple.

The demand of work picked up around lunch, with Will struggling to keep up with the cleaning, serving, wiping, collecting of plates, taking orders. There was a general buzz throughtout the restraunt, as the people on the overcrowded tables chattered to eachother and clattered cutlery and yelled over eachother at the bar. Will barely found time to take his lunch break, but managed to squeeze it in as the lunch rush died down and customers began to leave slowly in little groups.

And then the pattern continued, smoothies at the bar, relaxing in the break room, one or two teens that needed serving. And then to be swept back off his feet in the dinnertime rush, serving huge meals on large, heavy plates and dessert after dessert. Will sighed with relief when, finally, the last few customers trailed out of the door, laughing absentmindedly. Will locked the door behind them, and turned to see Max smiling at him.

"Well, you survived your first day, huh?"

"Just about."

A knock sounded at the door and Max sighed, striding past Will to tell whoever was at the door to leave, because they were closed. Will settled himself down in a seat at the bar next to El, waiting for Max to return after getting rid of whoever it was.

"Will, there's someone here for you!" Max called. Now it was Will's turn to sigh as he turned around to see Mike walking into the restraunt.

"My coat," he said simply.

"Crap," Will muttered under his breath, running into the kitchens where he'd left the coat that morning, by the ovens in order to dry it. After brushing off a few dustings of soot, he let out a relieved breath as he saw it was fine. He ran back to where he'd left everyone, and handed the coat over to Mike.

"Here, thanks for letting me borrow it," Will smiled gratefully, attempting to melt the ice between them. Mike simply shrugged, and accepted the coat.

He turned to leave, but then stopped. The ceasing of movement caused Will to turn and look at him again.

"Uh, I know you have a day off tomorrow, do you want to maybe hang out for a bit?" Mike asked slowly, dragging out his words thoughtfully.

"Uhm, sure!" Will smiled and then turned to head back to El and Max. Mike left without saying anything more.

"What are you doing hanging out with Mike?" Max snorted.

"I mean, he doesn't seem that bad of a guy, just rude sometimes," Will responded sheepishly.

"Uh, yeah, sorry Will, I think I may have made him sound worse than he is. He just used to be really mean to me and Max when we first started here. Now it's more like a mutual tolerance. But I just didn't want him to be a dick to you," El explained, looking a little guilty.

"No, no, it's fine. I get why you said all that about him, and you are right about him. I guess I just want to give him a chance, you know? Not like anyone else here is interested in talking to me other than you two," Will laughed a little at the end, lightening the mood.

By the time Will made it back to the comfort of his room, he was practically dead on his feet. A zombie boy, he thought to himself, and laughed at the stupidity of it, rolling over in bed and deciding not to change out of his uniform before sleeping.

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