Chapter 3

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Will walked slowly down the paved avenues, so as not to look stupid or have to double-back at all as he tried to remember which way Mike had brought him, all the while looking out for El or that red-head she'd been with.

Suddenly, he spotted them just up ahead, still together. Will quickened his pace to try desperately to catch up, and the two girls turned a corner and disappeared from sight.

Determined not to lose them, Will broke into a quick sprint, running around the corner and yelling out "El, hey! El!" when the two girls were back in sight.

El and her friend stopped in their tracks and turned around to see Will, who finally slowed his pace, waving a little.

"Hey, El," he repeated, a little breathlessly.

"Hey, Will," she smiled back at him.

Then her face lit up and she placed a hand on the shoulder of the red-head, bringing her further forward and closer to Will.

"Will, this is Max! She works at the restraunt too, and we've been best friends basically forever!" El wrapped an arm around Max's shoulders.

"Oh, uh, hey. Nice to meet you, Max," Will replied obligingly, trying his best to seem friendly as Max looked rather uncomfortable, in his opinion.

"Yeah, you too," Max replied, a little half-heartedly, glancing at El.

"Will, are you alright by the way? How come you came running after us?" El furrowed her brows slightly.

"Oh, right. I almost forgot," Will laughed.
"I've been invited to have dinner with Karen and her family tonight, could you come with me?"

Max stiffened, El didn't seem to notice, but Will did.

"Oh, sorry, I'd love to, but me and Max already have plans tonight," El replied, and Max relaxed again. Will came to the conclusion she was probably just scared of El ditching her, though El didn't seem the type of girl to do that.

"Oh no, don't worry about it!" Will brushed it off, slightly disappointed.

"Well, I don't see why we can't walk you there though, if you want?"

Will nodded, relieved. He'd forgotten the way to the house, not that he would openly admit that.

"Would that be okay, Max?" El turned to her friend, and the red-haired girl nodded.

"Of course! Let's go."

Will noticed Max seemed more relaxed now, and hoped maybe she was warming up to him, despite his cold first impression of her.

The trio walked slowly in the direction of the Wheeler's, making comfortable small talk as they all made an effort to get to know eachother. Will found himself telling El about Hawkins, how boring and routine it was, and his longing to travel more. He found him telling her about his childhood best friend Dustin, and how much she'd love him if she could meet him. In return, Max told him about how she and El met, when El and her dad Hopper moved to Redwood, and Max was the only person willing to talk to her. Will could sympathise with that, only having Dustin, Jonathan and his mom to talk to back home.

Slowly, the conversation died off, and Will saw the garden fence, blue paint and large balconies that gave away the Wheeler's house. Desperate, he tried one last time.

"Are you sure you can't come, El? You- you can bring Max aswell!"

El shook her head.
"Sorry Will, we already have plans. Family dinners aren't Max's thing, our clothes and hair are messy, and I think while Mrs.Wheeler wouldn't mind me joining, I'm not sure how she'd feel about you inviting two other people unannounced, when she only asked you."

Summer Savings [Byler]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora