
Kal'tsit I thought you were a Doctor?

You immediately made space between you and Kal'tsit after the sudden deflection, Comically-large Spoon at hand.

Y/n No negotiations, perhaps?

Kal'tsit *Sigh* It's the only way to make you talk...


She closed in the distance between you and her, Mon3tr behind as they went for a swipe.


Y/n Still-!

You responded by smashing Mon3tr's lower jaw, rendering bites useless.

Y/n If you were in my shoes back there you'd still make the choice!

Mon3tr growled before lunging straight at you.

Mon3tr Gurk...!

With quick maneuvering, you managed to pit Mon3tr at a choke point.

Kal'tsit *Sigh* Very well...

With a snap of her fingers, Mon3tr dispersed from Y/n's hands.

Y/n *Phew...* I swear, if you're going to rope me into another problem of yours I am only giving you no as an answer-

Kal'tsit Correct. I only came here in need of your assistance...

Y/n *Sigh.* ...Sarcophagus?

Kal'tsit nodded at your answer.

It took you a minute to finally reach your Verdict.

Y/n Revenge?

Kal'tsit once again nodded.

Y/n ...

You shook your head.

Y/n Give me a day or two. I still have shit to deal with in here...

Kal'tsit I understand.

She soon left the place, leaving you alone with the roaring Blizzard outside.

Y/n ...

You sighed, pinching the top of your nose.

Y/n Great, now I'm filled to the brim with fucking Guilt with the actions I've made. Fucking Yay...

Collecting all the thoughts going through your head, you decided to materialize a piece of paper and a pen.


Y/n ...on a second thought maybe going back to that shack was a much more ideal optio- gack!

Kal'tsit A deal's a deal, Doctor.

Mon3tr held you a couple meters above the snowy ground as you sent a deadpan at Kal'tsit.

Y/n So who're we even waiting for anyway?

Kal'tsit An esteemed guest that is very delighted to see you after all these years...

Y/n Excuse me?

The whirring of an engine can be faintly heard in the forest.

Y/n ...don't tell me I'm here for a beating-

A shadow suddenly looms over you.

Like a scene in a movie, you looked above you to see the lower parts of what seems to be a snowmobile.

You could only close your eyes, embracing death once more.

Except it didn't.

Time went back to its normal state as the snowmobile landed besides Kal'tsit.

??? *Muffled* The preparation has been done, Miss Kal'tsit

Kal'tsit I guess we'll play our part then.

Slightly opening your eyes you see a person conversing with Kal'tsit whose face is covered by a bicycle helmet.

Their voice sounded familiar.

Y/n Lillia?

They stopped talking for a brief moment before looking at you.

A long silence emerged by the time the both of you made eye contact.

It was anxious waiting for a word to be spoken, even Kal'tsit herself didn't know which word to utter to be rid of this silence.

Though it does soon come to a close as the masked figure slowly walks up to you.

Nervous, you tried to pry away Mon3tr's claws, only for your efforts to be futile.

You could only look at your own reflection as you looked back at the helmet.


"Lillia" Muffled* This is your final chance at redeeming yourself.

You stayed silent, slowly looking down at the snow.

"Lillia" Muffled* If everything does not according to the plan... you will know what will come for you.

Y/n ...

The both of you shared a moment of silence before the latter soon walked back to their snowmobile.

Kal'tsit Tell her I said hi.

They only nodded before leaving the snowy forest.

The sounds of the engine grow fainter and fainter, soon being clouded by the occasional chirps of birds.

Y/n Can I at least be able to touch the ground now?

With a wave of her hand, Mon3tr aggressively threw you to the ground.

Kal'tsit Not even speaking a word to her? Do you even feel emotions?

Y/n Well how else would I throw in Guilt to my emotional list? I've gotten used to it and not even saying sorry would make up for it.

Kal'tsit That it is unfortunately...

Y/n So... what now? We just stand here until some kind of truck passes by or some shit?

*Beep! Beep!*

You quickly looked to your right, seeing a truck going down a road.

Y/n ...you've got to be fucking with me- AHHHH!!!

With quick movements, Mon3tr was able to throw you at a rapid speed, putting you in the back of the truck.

*Ring! Ring!*

You pulled out your tablet, accepting the random number.

Kal'tsit I'm sure you'll already know what we're going to do by now.

Y/n Well I sure as hell don't relate to being thrown at the back of the truck...

Coincidentally, your voice and entrance were covered by the loud engine the vehicle was creating.

Y/n I guess Lillia planned it out thoroughly?

Kal'tsit Why else should she be here? She planned this as an act of vengeance for the people who died back in the Sarcophagus incident and as a way to redeem yourself. What's not to like?

Y/n I dunno? Some cliche shit that if I were to say something they'd suddenly appear like a deux ex machina?

Kal'tsit ...

Y/n ...you're shitting me aren't you-

The call immediately ends after that.

Y/n Fucking Dick...

You rolled your eyes, sighing as you take a look behind you.

Y/n ...

It was horse manure.


(A/n: The Arknights is real :poggies:)

(A/n: So am I just gonna put a paragraph here about a bunch of shit readers won't read and just... go back their own business? If so, how would I even explain to them that playing minecraft and a lego game with a bunch of crackheads would stall my writing on this shithead of a story?)

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