(Y̸̢̨̭̟͍̫͉͊/N̶͎̫̉̍͘͝) 1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌1̴̨͍̩̱̓̿͋͌

Start from the beginning

I pull one of the hatchets into my grasp and smash it against the weak lock on the window ledge. I push up the creaky slide and sneakily creep my way through. I peek through the blinds and see that the room I'm in is messy, cluttered with toys, old food wrappers and boxes, and discarded game controllers. I see the TV in the room is on and in front of the TV sitting crisscross legged is BEN Drowned, smashing his fingers against the buttons on his navy game controller.

I watch as he yells at the screen, seemingly on comm with some other player he was gaming with. I knew from the small time I'd been at the mansion and from what Jane had told me that BEN is an entity, already basically dead but he did have a weakness that I think I may be able to toy with here.

Like a snake, I slither from my hiding spot in the blinds and walk up to BEN from behind. He was so engrossed in his game that he didn't even notice me looming over him, my eyes boring into him from behind the goggles.

'...I don't want to hurt him... I don't want to be the one to do this...'

'End this miserable devil's life.'

"BEN," I suddenly snap, causing the male to jump and turn around quickly, his hands clamped around his headset. "Toby! You scared me you sneaky motherfucker! Hahah, what do ya want, did you just come back from a hunt or something?—Oh! Wanna play with me?"

My head made an awkward twitch but I kept myself together for the most part. "It looks like fun. Can I use your bathroom first, real quick? I'll play with you right after."

"Sure go ahead. Don't make a mess, Tobster."

The blonde smiled at me before pulling the headset back over his pointed ears and returning to his game.

I spun on my heel and headed to BEN's bathroom quickly closing the door behind me. I look around for options. I spot an empty bucket with a mop sticking out of it, and immediately go to grab it. I fling the mop into the tub and then place the bucket under the faucet, beginning to fill it up with steamy hot water.

I scavenge around in the drawers underneath his sink looking for other options to test out. I grab bleach, ammonia, and hydrogen peroxide and carry it back to the tub. Once the bucket was filled a good bit, I quickly poor in the other substances. I have no idea what this stuff could do, but I knew for sure it would at least have a great affect on my victim.

Once everything was ready, I carefully take up the bucket and carry it out of the bathroom.

BEN was still fully focused on his video game, so he didn't notice me approaching him from behind with the big bucket of death ready.

"Tooo-byyyyy," BEN suddenly sing-sang aloud without looking away from the TV, "are you sneaking up on me again, loser? Stop being all weird and come play with me!"

"Then lè̷̛̗̳͚̙͇̘͍͕̊̑̿͘͜t's play," I respond, raising the bucket over his head.

BEN turned his head and looked up, only slightly removing his headphones before he realized the torrent of chemicals coming down upon him.

A piercing scream was emitted across the whole room and I watch as BEN's body starts to seemingly melt and glitch in drastic ways as the chemicals penetrated his sensitive form. "T—0̴̡̓̒̈́́̆͆$4!!!!!???? WY̸̢̨̭̟͍̫͉͊!!????" A completely corrupted sounding cry came from the very indistinguishable form of BEN, and as I kept pouring and pouring, he began to appear near absolute desolation. Text and sparks were flying from him constantly and his black blood-dripping eyes looked as if they were melting off his very face.

BEN panics and I watch as what was left of him tries to crawl towards the TV in an effort to escape me. I toss the bucket aside and run back to the bathroom, grabbing the bleach and ammonia from the cabinet. I hurry back out to see half of his decayed computerized body through the screen.

I uncap both bottles and start pouring everything over his back. "Die already," I mutter cooly. His blackened, claw-like hands which were still visible grip the screen and his legs flail helplessly as the rest of his body is submerged in a burning assault of a toxic chemical mixture.

The screen itself goes frantic as it seems to be affected by BEN's glitching, and suddenly the screen just goes black. Next, the screen itself actually cracks straight through the center and then the glass explodes from the TV.

The glass flies all over the place and even directly into my face, but I don't flinch once and only stand there unmoving, watching as the bottom half of BEN's body goes limp, bent over and hanging ragdoll-like from the TV. I have no idea what happened to the rest of his body, but my best guess is he was completely decimated with the rest of the TV itself.

After a while of staring at the scene, I toss the two now empty bottles on the floor and crack my knuckles loudly, then my neck before signing.

'This isn't even me anymore...am I even in control? What am I doing? This is going too far...'

My hand slides to my pocket, reaching for you already know what. I casually start walking out of the room while treating myself to two of the pills—this time I headed for the actual door of BEN's room. I step out of the room and stretch, taking a look down the hallway.

I see the child, Sally, skipping up to me with a seemingly worried expression on her face. "Toby? I heard a really creepy, unsettling screaming sound coming from down the hall. Did something happen...?" She asked, looking up at me with curious, emerald eyes.

I look down at her for a long time before slightly smiling behind my mask and placing a hand on her head. "Not at all Sal. Just beat BEN at a new game though, and he's real bent out of shape about it. Best you leave him alone for a while."

"Oh...okay Toby! Congrats on winning the game!" She cooed, smiling and seeming more assured by my words.

Suddenly, a loud scream comes from down the hall and I turn around seeing Nina standing before ClockWork's door with her mouth covered over her face.

"Someone HELP!!! ClockWork!!!!!"

Sally turned to her with wide eyes and ran over in a panic, as well as the doors all around me began to open and the other killers started bolting for where the girl was now crying loudly.

I didn't join them, instead I turned away with my hands behind my back and casually started to head for the stairs, all the while whistling a song as the killers began howling and crying out in shock and dismay at their housemate's demise.


♪I didn't do the thing you think I was doing.
I wasn't in the place where he saw me.
Report report report.
He's sus He's sus He's sus.
I didn't go the place where he saw me going.
No alibi, but you've got to trust me.
Report report report.
He's sus He's sus He's sus.
Report report report.
He's sus He's sus He's sus~♪


The song was really supposed to be a joke but yeah, whatever, here we are.

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