Ex Girlfriends

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(Requested by ruthlessreaper) Also, requests are now closed.

|Y. J|

"Sorry are you Yumeko? I'm Y/N's ex I've heard so much about you!"
It's true. While your romantic relationship didn't work out, you weren't going to lose your beutiful friendship and remained as besties. However Yumeko didn't seem to appreciate it too much.

"Oh I'm sorry, my beutiful stunning princess that makes me the happiest  woman alive, did you hear something?" Yumeko "asked" you innocently, she answered her question herself.

"No? Aww too bad I thought I heard something...anyway let's go my adorable girlfriend!" Yumeko pulled you as close as possible to her and dragged you away before you could exchange words with your ex.

|M. S|

Mary had only come across your ex once, didn't exchange words, just a quick glance. Yet that was enough for her to throw a mini tantrum on how she hated them so much, probably had more hatred than you. At one point you had to pin her down to stop her from going after your ex to throw hands.

|R. Y|

Runa was not discreet at all. When you heard the news of your past lover joing Hyakkou you had an hour long lesson with Runa of "What not to Do's". The second hand embarrassment that shaped you right across the face whenever you remembered dating that person was too much. Hence why you definitely didn't want to Runa to make it even worse by acknowledging the person, you actually didn't even want Runa to meet her!

"Okay Runa remember what I tolled you: your just gonna turn around slowly, look at her quick, and then we leave? Got it?" You finished explaining and received a nod from your lover.

"There she is-" By the second you finished your phrase Runa was already standing straight and tall in front of the one mentioned. Runa examined every inch of her from head to toe with an unimpressed expression. Once she was done judging her she let out a "tsk" loud and clear then left, leaving the other female completely creeped out and clueless.

"You really had some shitty tast. I'll still gladly look homeless for you through that's if that what's your into."

|K. M|

You were praying for Kirari not to go too hard on your ex.

"I assure you lovely I'm not doing anything to him." Kirari assured you flashing you a gentle smile, if you didn't know Kirari any better you would've instantly believed her, but you knew Kirari better than anyone...except Ririka.

"H-hello? I w-as request to come here?" His statement sounded more like a question, you cringed and hid your face seeing him walk in the student council. Kirari serious features were replaced by her all to iconic smirk. She gracefully stood from her "throne" and walked towards him, every step she took firm and full of power.

From where you stood you could see Kirari lean in and whisper something in his ear. When she finished, she flashed him another smirk and pushed him away hard enough for him to tumble. He nodded repetitively and rushed out the room.

Could have been worse

|S. I|

Sayaka has been bombarding you with questions since she realized your ex was Yumemi.

"Did you really love her? Is she a better kisser than me? Did she treat you good? If she didn't treat you good I'll go talk to her right now."

You hurried and grabbed Sayaka's wrist cuasing her to fall into your lap. Your lips immediately made met hers in a rough kiss.

"Could you shut up for a moment? Your a better kisser than her, your style suits you, I'm over her and I love you! I'm all yours and whatever,  done asking questions?"

Sayaka's smile reached her now red ears  while a furious blush spread even further along her checks.

|R. M|

Ririka was always one step ahead of you, last time you checked your ex was still chasing after you, but suddenly stoped? It was weird since it was a day to night change, one day just decided to start avoiding you, ignore you and never looked at you or anywhere near you, avoiding you at all cost. Not today though, today you were able to trap them in a dead end and and question them.

"Are you alright?" You asked upset while your ex's eyes ran left and right, never your eyes.

"We can't be together! She'll see us please let me go!"

"Who's she?"

"The girl with the white mask!"

Suddenly everything made sense, you made a mental note to thank Ririka later.

|I. S|

Itsuki gave you the silent treatment for half the day, but later gave up and into you. Realizing there was someone before her annoyed her, but at least yours reassuring words, kisses and hugs made up her day.

|Y. Y|

Yumemi didn't hold back one bit, all her hatred and stress was dumped right onto your ex, free therapy! Yumemi made sure to make it clear how much happier you were with her, and how she was the only one who truly deserved you.

|M. I|

An ex? You dated someone before her? You were kissed by someone else than her? That realization dropped on Midari like a bomb, she was quiet for the rest of the day, so unlike Midari. After she finally processed this information completely she started questioning, what did she have that your ex didn't? Would she later become just one more girl in your exes collection? No. Because Midari is better then any girl you've dated.

|R. B|

Rei was honestly fuming with jealousy (not like she'll ever admit it). Long story short, Rei had to wait a whole year to make a move on you since at the time you where already taken. Rei kept a grudge on them ever since, she rolls her eyes everytime your ex was around and critique them silently.

"Seriously Y/N, what did you see in them? Everything about them sucks! You should've went straight for me since the begging." Rei dramatically asked for the fourth time today, you kissed her pout and shrugged.

|M. H|

Miroslava kept her jealousy to herself, just once in a while teasing you for dating them before. She did make mental notes on ups and downs of your ex, just in case.

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⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jul 31, 2022 ⏰

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