1, Finally Home

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I need water, Echo.

I looked back to see Mya tilting her head near a River slightly off route. I slowed my pace, getting a sense of the area before nodding my approval to stop.

Take your time, Girls. I'm going to see how far we are from the pack.

Mya responded by running to the water to gulp down as much as her stomach could hold, as Inez kept high alert to the area we had detoured into.

I walked further down the River talking in a deep burst of air into my nostrils, attempting catch scent of Custer, South Dakota.

As I took in the the various leads around me I finally caught it. The scent was faint, but close.

"You don't smell Rogue." I jerked my head to a woman standing off to the distance, slowing making her way to me.

I quickly shifted, bowing to the Luna. "No Ma'am. Just passing through. My sisters and I have been traveling for two days. Just needed a quick drink and to catch a breath." I assured the red headed woman.

Get over here. Now. I mind linked Inez and Mya.

"I see. Where are you headed? I could guide you to assure your sisters and yourself safety." She walked towards me with a smile, a brown wolf following behind.

Inez and Mya walked carefully towards me, shifting as they saw the Hailstone pack's Luna.

"We aren't too far. Almost to Custer from the scent I caught." I smiled, "I don't believe we will need a guide, But if you insist I don't mind."

"Custer? You must be part of the Deadwood pack. Under Alpha Tempest?" She pulled her face into a small smile.

"You're an ally?" Tilting my head slightly, her smile dropped.

"Not exactly. We were at one point, but poor leadership was their downfall." My eyebrows shot up.

Before I could mutter another word she continued, standing 3 feet in front of me, "I understand you need to be going. I won't keep you any longer. Be careful, as there are beings in these woods who won't be so kind upon your presence."

"Of course. From here should be a straight shot. I've caught the pack scent, 3 hours until our arrival." I approached holding out my hand as she met my handshake. "Sorry for intruding, Luna. We will be of no trouble to your pack."

"I would hope not. You three seem observant and careful." She looked around at my sisters and back at myself. "You know where to find me if any trouble arises. I will have my men on high guard in case assistance is needed." And with that I bowed, shifting to return to our travels.

'I thought she was going to scold us. Inez nudged my side. 'didn't know your were such a smooth talker, Echo.'

I let out a small growl. 'I don't generally like to get my ass chewed out by a Luna, Inez. Take my advice, it's not a fight you want to be involved in.'

'Sounds like you may be speaking from experience.'

The closer we got to this miserable place, the more nervous I had become. It's been 6 years since I've been back here.

As we approached my grandfathers house on pack grounds, I mind linked Inez and Mya to give me a moment so I could make sure gramps was aware of our arrival. I'm sure Beta Kylo let him know, but his memory isn't what it used to be and I'm sure he probably thought of it as a joke due to all the times I swore I would never return.

I shifted approaching the door, the girls taking seats on the porch swing out front. Taking in a deep breath I quietly entered the small cottage my grandfather has called a home his entire existence.

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