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-Cecilia's P.O.V-

I have never asked for a lot in life now that I think about it, I have always done my best to please my parents making sure they were proud to have a daughter like me but that all went to waste because of one mistake. They never heard my side of the story, they believed other peoples words instead of their own daughter, they made a choice but that choice hurt me more than I could imagine. I left their place and began being on my own when I was eighteen, I worked more hours than I could imagine but it all payed off because I was able to get my own apartment once I turned 20, I was also able to keep going to college while working and got a job as one of the school assistance at an elementary school which paid double the amount my previous job was paying. Everything in my life was slowly starting to come together, life as a struggle was slowly fading away before my eyes, or so I thought.

"Cecilia Mae" I looked up at the older lady holding a paper in her hand as she searched through the waiting room trying to find me. I stood up walking towards her as she smiled at me.

"Cecilia Mae?"

"Yes, that's me"

"Perfect come on in"

I stepped inside her office as she made her way to the back of her desk pulling out her chair before sitting down. I pulled out my chair sitting across from her as she began typing on her computer.

"Hello, my name is Alicia Devan, how are you?" She looked at me smiling waiting for an answer.

"Good, thank you, but why was I called in here today?"

"Oh I'm guessing you haven't heard yet?"

"Heard what?"

"Your sister handed you full custody of your niece Isabella Mae"

It took me a minute to process what she had just said, my sister? my niece? full custody to me?

"I'm sorry what?!" I looked at her confused yet shocked.

"Yes, Melissa was not under the care to take care of your niece, she was given the option to hand her over to cps or a close family member that would meet our qualifications, she mentioned your name so we checked your background and sure enough you meet all our qualifications"

"I haven't spoken to Melissa in almost three years, I didn't even know I had a niece, how am I suppose to take her under my care?"

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that, she made it seem like you two were close"

I looked at the hourglass sitting on her desk as I tried to process what this lady had thrown at me, Melissa had a baby? I have a niece and now she's going to fall under my care because Melissa failed to do so? Me and her haven't spoken ever since I left me parents house, she never once reached out to her younger sister to ask how I was or where I was and now I'm suppose to step up and accept what I am being told?

"I'm sorry this may all come as a surprise but know that you are not required to take her in, if you choose not to we can have her under cps custody until we find a family that is willing to take her in but as a close family member it is our job to inform you"

"Will she be placed in a good home?"

"We try our best to make sure they all have a good family to take care of them" Her response was neither a yes or a no.

"I'm sorry but I don't know what to say, this is all a lot for me to process"

"It is understandable but if I may insist I have been your sisters social worker for awhile and you two resemble each other a lot so I am sure Isabella would feel right at home with you, would you like to meet her? Isabella your niece?"

"Is she here?"

"Yes, she's in the playroom with one of our workers"

I nodded my head as she smiled getting up opening the door behind her as I followed her passing door after door wondering how everything came down to this moment. She stopped in front of a window as I looked at it seeing the inside of the room, it was a small playroom for kids the ones you see in the kids section of a library, there were two tv's playing mickey mouse episodes as two little boys watched them, there was a total of five kids that didn't look older than five years old. I followed Alicia as we walked inside she walked over to one of the workers who spoke into her walkie talkie before coming to me.

"There she is, Isabella Mae, your niece"

I turned around seeing one of the workers come out of a room holding a little girl in her hands, she was holding her against her chest as the little one faced away from me.

"Would you like to hug her?" The lady looked at me before I nodded. She haded her over to me as I held her in my arms looking at her closely.

She had her hair tied in two side ponytails, her eyes were the same as Melissa's a dark brown, she was wearing a knitted jacket and a pair of black sweats with white sneaker, I looked at her not realizing I was smiling as she looked at me trying to play with my hair.

"How old is she?"

"Ten months, her birthday is on December the tenth"

"Why did Melissa leave her?"

"She wasn't in a condition to take care of her, Isabella was living in an environment a child should not live in"

"Was she not living with my parents?"

"No, she had mentioned she had no communication with them"

"Wait, do my parents know about Isabella and her situation?"

"Yes, as a matter of fact they called saying they wanted nothing to do with your sister and her which left you as the caregiver for her, however, if you wish not to take her under your care we can go ahead and take her under our care"

I looked at her as she played with the lace of my hoodie, she's my niece, in a way if I rejected her I would be doing the same my parents did to me, I couldn't leave her here and hope she finds a good family when I am her family.

"No, I'm taking her in, she's my niece and I'm her family" I looked down at Isabella "Me and you are going home Bella"



-Thank you for reading, I hope you guys enjoy this piece as much as I enjoyed writing it, make sure to vote-

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2022 ⏰

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