"arthit lets patch up" namtan said looking at arthit with a bored expression one could easily imagine her chewing her gum looking uninterested but here she is.

arthit sighed. maybe its time to throw the wornout and torn bracelet which once contained emotions in it. every broken thing is not meant to mended. arthit learnt that the hard way but atleast he learned. what went wrong? maybe he didnt took care of it for the longest time. maybe its just he took the most popular thing in the market instead of the thing he came to the market for?

"nam i think we should adress the elephant in the room" arthit said

"i dont see an elephant and we are not in a room" namtan deadpanned

"enough of your smartass answers. we dont love each other anymore namtan we are just dragging and hurting each other and others in the path. lets break up for real now as in telling our parents too" arthit said seriously

namtan's face expression changed she panicked

"what arthit? you...we were together for 7 years 7 fckin years does it mean nothing to you?" namtan asked getting serious.

"it did for a year or two. not after that. its just parents and friends and my indecesive brain making me keep going on" arthit said

"then keep it going on" namtan hissed

"enough namtan! i dont love you anymore. i cant decive our parents anymore and let them build fantasies which are far from reality" arthit said

"why? why cant it be a reality art? you loved me once you can do it again" namtan said

"except for the fact i cant. tell me nam we cant stand each other for 15 mins now how do you expect us to spend a lifetime? and dont you thing your wedding picture will look more beautiful with jay on it instead of me?" arthit asked with no bitterness in him he wants a break now the relationship was exhausting him the second thoughts were exhausting him the thoughts of having kong beside him was exciting him so how can he just keep the facade on?

"b...but arthit" namtan tried but failed

"its okay" arthit said and hugged her

"how did it happen oon" nam asked sobbing

"we grew up" arthit said remembering kong's then and now personality, look, the way he carries himself, the way he smiles, the way he...

"and we realised the face value isnt everying and you may want the fancy pencil when you are young but in reality the real companion is the same old simple pencil who never fails you and the fancy pencil is bound to break or get dust at some point" arthit said laughing at his analogy

"seriously oon? did you just compare me to a fancy pencil" nam asked with a horrified face.

"i certainly did but i made that comparision to me too didnt i? we are even. lets talk to our parents when we meet them next time we could do with the extra time" arthit said.

"so how are we going to behave with each other now?"namtan asked. yeah she didnt feel bad too.

"civil" arthit said and namtan nodded.

okay that was easy arthit thought.

"Do you have a new crush?" Namtan hesitated

"That's what I am trying to figure out" arthit said making nam frown.

Evening found kongpob walking towards the noodle shop near campus to have his dinner (i know you know where this going lol but it might surprise you) the seats were full so he looked hesistant and a worker there said him to share the seat with a guy who was sitting alone. Kong agreed he couldnt see the face of the guy as the guy was holding a newspaper and it was covering his face.

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