Ch. 7: Can We Talk?

Start from the beginning

"And you're doing this all alone or is there someone else...?" Sua mentally facepalmed herself. "How subtle." Even if it wasn't the ideal way to ask, at least she'll still get the answer she wanted.

"Just me and Cherry for now."

"And Cherry is your..."

"She's my dog. The cutest thing in the world."

"Oh! Uh, where is she?" Sua was relieved that it wasn't another person.

"She's taking a nap in my room. I can go get her if you want."

"Let her sleep. I'll have other opportunities to see her." At least, Sua hoped she would. She had a slight feeling in the back of her mind that one little thing she would say could turn her away.

"You got a point! I'll introduce you to her next time." Another wave of relief passed through Sua after Jiu's response.

"So, you said 'for now.' Is there someone who caught your eye?" Sua had a hard time being subtle with her questions, so she just went with it at this point.

"I'm feeling like I'm back in high school again." Jiu laughed. "Maybe...why do you ask?"

Sua internally panicked. It was too soon. She didn't think Jiu would ask why. She quickly had to come up with a response. "Oh...uh...aren't friends supposed to gossip?"

"I guess you're right."

"Have you talked with them?"

"A bit. I'm still working up the courage to. I haven't had the best relationships in the past, so I'm just trying to make sure I don't keep making those same mistakes over and over again."

"Does this person seem different than the others so far?"

"From what I can tell, yes. It's actually refreshing to see. I just hope I'm right."

"Maybe you are." Instinctively Sua put her hand on Jiu's to reassure her. Realizing what she was doing, she quickly took her hand away. "I mean, I have a feeling you are. My gut says so and my gut never fails."

"Well, I hope your gut stays right, then."

They continue to talk for what felt like hours. Every little thing Sua started to learn about Jiu intrigued her to no end. Soon, it was time for Jiu's shift. Sua didn't want this visit to end, but she knew it had to eventually. Once they said their goodbyes, Sua left to go back to Siyeon's apartment with a huge grin on her face.

"Siyeon! I'm back!" There was no response back. "Huh, I guess she's still got her work to do."


After running a few more errands back in the angel realm, such as visiting Dami and Gahyeon and getting a few more supplies she might need just in case, she headed to the bar.

She had one more thing to do and she didn't want to tell Sua about it. It was more like she didn't want to have Sua misread her intentions. She was about to break the one rule she considered important: Not talking with humans. She laughed to herself thinking about the fact that a demon was the one able to break one of her rules.

Ever since finding out about Sua's feelings, she needed to know what about her made her want to go through with Purification. It's not that she's trying to see if Sua's decision was justified or not. It was just out of pure curiosity. Jiu didn't seem to be the type of person to hurt anyone for her own selfish reasons. Siyeon had nothing to worry about. She just wanted to see how special she was compared to what Sua said about her. She also wanted to see if there was more than meets the eye. Although, she'd be lying to herself if her decision to do this wasn't driven by a bit of jealousy.

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