Chapter one aka trauma

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It was a beautiful night, the crickets were chirping? And there was nothing but a nice ambient ambience. Streetlights illuminated the sidewalk path a young man was taking.

The young man wore a navy turtleneck sweater, greyish blue jeans and run of the mill black shoes. He has brown hair and beautiful blue eyes, along with facial hair that he hadn't bothered to shave, he thought it looked good.

David is his name, he had just come back from his job at a secretive foundation that contains anomalies called SCPs. He specialized in research and the sciences, garnering information about those anomalies and experimenting. He'd send D-Class prisoners in to do specific tasks, they were expendable as far as he knew.

As he continued his stroll, he would think about his job, it enveloped his entire life to the point that even on his short breaks it was on his mind. While he walked he couldn't help but feel like he was being watched. Which was very strange, maybe it was just random anxiety or maybe someone was actually following him. The thought would put him on edge.

Dave continued walking before making a courageous decision of trying to turn around, he suddenly got hit on the head very hard. He would immediately fall unconscious.

David woke up with a headache, he winced as he opened his eyes to a light above him. He groaned and would try to move, he just realized his situation once he failed. Dave was strapped to a metal board by metal cuffs. He strained and tried to move, starting to panic and mildly hyperventilating.

A figure soon emerged from the shadows of the room. The unknown person is a woman wearing a hoodie, a cap and a mask. Her hair is up in a ponytail and is reddish brown, Dave couldn't make out her eye color due to the cap shadowing her face alongside the glasses.

"Ah, you're finally awake." She cooed, raising gloved hands to reveal a needle with some liquid inside. Dave panicked, blurting out, "WH-WHY AM I HERE? LET ME GO!" He shouted fearfully, trembling.

"Calm down darling, all this is, is a little test and then I'll let you go off." She said, flicking her needle with her fingers a bit before she started approaching him. Once she got close enough, she rolled up his sweater, feeling the skinny man's stomach area for a few moments.

This was not a interaction he wanted nor enjoyed, he squirmed and panicked, trying to get away from this unknown woman. "Ple-Please I won't tell anyone, d-dont inject that- please just le-let me go!" He constantly stumbled over his words out of fear.

"Shhhh, it's fine..." This was her only response as she jabbed the needle into his stomach area and injected. David squealed because of the jabbing and generally just being afraid of needles. After this she rolled the sweater back down and pulled out another needle out of seemingly nowhere.

She rolled up his sleeve and injected the other fluid, this was a sedative, not a part of the experiment. It was to make sure the scientist did not know where this location was, when he gets dropped off.

Everything would go black for David.

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