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"Chapter 2: The Weirdo on Maple Street"

Part 1

Part 1

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We are still in the woods. The three boys and their babysitter gaped at Eleven. A loud thunder shook Lizzie out of shock. The strawberry blond immediately took off her sweater,leaving her in a red shirt, and walked over to the girl. 

"You are adorable,El.",Lizzie told the girl.Eleven smiled at the compliment.

Dustin turned to Eleven,"She tells that to everyone. Don't let it get to your head."

Lizzie couldn't believe that her vision was coming true..that this was real and that it was happening,but the thunder and the rain hitting her skin let her know that it was. 

This was real.

Lizzie slowly walked towards the girl,who walked a step back.

The older girl approached Eleven like how one would approach a scared or dangerous animal,with precaution. Elizabeth gave Eleven a small and reassuring smile,"I won't hurt you,sweetie...I just want to give you my sweater.Is that okay?"

Eleven looked at her for a second before nodding slowly. 

As Elizabeth approached the girl,the three boys behind her were shaking their heads..telling her to not get closer. This girl could be dangerous and she could end up hurting Lizzie.They didn't want that.

Lizzie then put her sweater around Eleven,"It's wet..but I hope it helps a bit."She smiled at her before turning around and looking at the boys with a stern face,"We are leaving.Now."

"That's what you should have done since the beginning.",Karen told Lizzie. She wasn't thrilled that Elizabeth had helped the boys sneak out...but she was thankful that the strawberry blond was there to protect them.

The scene immediately changes and now we are at at the Wheeler's basement. 

Karen turned to Mike,"You took her to our house?!"


Lizzie,Mike,Lucas,and Dustin are standing opposite El,who is still wearing Elizabeth's sweater under a jacket and is now sitting on the couch-out of breath. Frightened. 

The boys soon started asking questions:

"Is there a number we can call for your parents?"

"Where's your hair? Do you have cancer?"

Karen,Lily,Molly,and Joyce sent the boys scolding looks for asking that question...Lizzie noticed that Steve did too.

"Did you run away?"

" Are you in some kind of trouble?"

Karen froze then looked at El,then she looked at Hopper,"Isn't she the girl that the government has been looking for?"

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