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"Chapter 1:The Vanishing of Will Byers"

Part 4

Part 4

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Black, unmarked sedans accelerate up to the entrance.They slam to a stop and 

Eleven froze.

The scene changes into a corridor. WHAP! WHAP! WHAP! Shoes drum on linoleum as...Dr.Martin Brenner, 40s, leads a group of NSA agents through the corridors of the lab. Dr. Brenner wears a casual suit,loose tie, stubble. He clearly hasn't slept in some time.All around them -- chaos. Scientists whipping to and fro.

"Whoah! What is that place!",James asked.

"That's Hawkins Lab.",Hop answered. Though it was clear that he didn't like that place at all.

SCIENTIST #1 turns to the Lead agent,"We've evacuated the east wing --sealed it off, following quarantine protocol" --They arrive at a plastic quarantine door.Brenner zips open the plastic door and

A series of very quick, very close shots are shown as Dr. Brenner, Scientist #1, the agents, and a trio of soldiers silently dress into hazmat suits. They secure hoods.Gloves. Boots. Pre-lap: The sound of groaning metal.

The freight elevator groans and shudders as it carries...Dr. Brenner, Scientist #1, the agents, the soldiers down into the bowels of the labs. The soldiers are armed with M16-style rifles with barrel-mounted flashlights.The Lead Agent looks up at the ceiling, uneasy, and...The elevator crashes to a halt. The doors open.The group exits into the dark corridor.They retrace the path of the scientist in the opening scene.As their flashlights sweep around, we see that a few things have changed since our last visit: The fluorescent lights are now completely dead. The atmosphere is dense, clouded in a white fog... spore-like particles dance in the air... there are cracks in the cement... It's like this place is... dying.

The Hawkins residents all looked at the screen with neutral expressions. Meanwhile the Witches and Wizards couldn't help but be a bit awed by the place.

The group of men enter the lab. Sweep the area.It's a total nightmare in here. Fleshy mold-like growths cling to the walls, and the atmosphere is even denser, making it difficult to see. 

Delilah scrunched her nose,"Ew."

Scientist #1 then speaks,"Doctor Shepherd and Doctor Braunwere over there, Doctor Wilkins and Doctor Manning over there...",He motions at an observation window,"... myself and Doctor Brenner were observing."

Lead Agent's flashlight cuts through fog, illuminates...The far wall... This is the beating heart of this subterranean nightmare. Fleshy mold-like growths smother the entire wall,alive, wet, throbbing. In the center of this growth, there is what appears to be a twelve-foot-diameter opening.This is...The Rift. It undulates. Almost breathing.Alive.

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