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"Chapter 1:The Vanishing of Will Byers"

Part 1

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"James! Lily!",a voice yelled.

Sirius froze,"It's that day."

What he didn't notice was James and Remus's guilty looks.

The screen lit up and a 20 year old Sirius Black is seen. He's entering a house....well..what was left of a house.

"Woah..what happened?",Dustin asked,though he didn't receive any answers.

"JAMES! LILY!",Sirius yelled once more. He looked around in worry..that is,until he noticed James Potter walking towards him. The dog animagus ran to his friend and gave him a hug,"Mate. I was so worried! Are you all alright? Where are Lily and Marie?"

"Marie?",Nancy asked a bit confused.

Sirius turned to her,"That used to be Lizzie's name...well..middle name."

Elizabeth turned to him,"Middle name?"

It was Harry who answered,"Yeah. Delilah Marie Potter..that was your name."

"Huh..it's pretty.",was all the girl could say. What was she expected to say? It was a pretty name, she couldn't deny that.

"It is.",Max agreed,"Though I think Elizabeth suits you better."

"Yeah.", the rest of the party agreed.

Delilah,on the other hand,frowned,"I think Delilah Marie suits her best..That way, we could share names."

Jim Hopper turned to her,"Kid.."He didn't even have words for that.

"Sirius.",James said as they separated,"Voldemort..he came for Delilah."

"Who the hell is Voldemort?",Lucas asked.

"A bad man.",Remus told him,"A very bad man."

"Like Papa?",Eleven asked him slowly.

Harry looked at her confused,"Your father? Is he a dark wizard?"

This just made Eleven look at him even more confused than he was.

Lily sighed and looked at the girl,"Let's just say..he was a very bad man.",then she looked at her son with pride,"Though Harry here put a stop to him once and for all."

"No.",Sirius couldn't believe it,"W-where is she?Where's Lily?"

"Let me finish.",the Potter wizard told him,"Voldemort came for Delilah...but she wasn't here.",James wanted to tell his friend the truth. The truth about what he and Lily had done..yet he couldn't. Because he knew that as soon as he said anything,Sirius would hate him. Yes, he would hate him.

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