10 The Dare

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To a boy our age, just about the worst thing you could do was to back down from a dare. 

Everyone was tense and quiet. You could hear the crackling of the fire and the buzzing cicadas as we waited for Ronnie to respond. Finally, his eyes widened, and he wavered a moment, tossing the makeshift toothpick from his mouth into the fire.

"I'm not going all the way out there."

JT seized upon the moment.

"Just like I thought, you're scared. Just admit it. It's no big deal. We're all scared," he said smartly, waiving his arms at the silent faces around the campfire.

"All you have to do is admit it, and we can forget all about it."

"Nah," Ronnie returned, uninterested.

There was immediate chatter by nearly everyone around the fire, led loudly by JT, who was enjoying seeing Ronnie taking a jeering for his arrogance.

"Okay! Okay," Ronnie finally yelled over the group, standing up face to face with JT.

"What's the bet?" He asked defiantly.

"The bet is you won't go into Robinson's orchard tonight. Ten bucks says you won't, and everyone has to chip in." JT said, pointing a finger around at everyone.

"How will you know?"

"You have to bring us plums back," JT nodded his head and grinned.

"We'd all like a dessert."

"Yeah!" we all answered in unison.

It was a good call on JT's part because Ronnie had told me earlier that day that those were the only plum trees around. He used to pick them himself when he cut through the abandoned property from time to time.

"If you all want to see me go, then one of you has to go with me. I'm not going to go out there and bring you all a bunch of Old Man Robinson's plums then be called a liar."

"Nah," JT grinned.

"You do it, and we'll trust you," he said, looking around, hoping anyone would second the notion.

But none did. Instead, everyone became silent as they mulled over the prospect of having to follow Ronnie into the dark woods.

"And I pick the person," Ronnie finished, adding even more suspense.

JT was a little taken back by the prospect of having to go himself. It seemed to ease everyone else's mind a little, thinking JT would surely be the one chosen, thereby ending the bet. When everyone voiced their agreement, Ronnie and JT shook on it. Then Ronnie turned to me and patted my shoulder.

"What? Me?" I responded as the jeers and sighs of relief rang out simultaneously.

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