"Hey" Chris said to Towanda giving her a half hug.
"Okay Ima leave you ladies to it, Bye" Chris said before waving and leaving.

"You guys are so cute" Towanda said as she watched Chris pull off in his car.

"Today is about my tour okay not my love life" I said as I opened the door.

"Uh oh are you guys fighting" she asked.

"Look Towanda we're the first ones here" I said ignoring her question.

Towanda just stared at me I could tell she was judging me. "Towanda let's just focus on work today"

"Whatever you say boss" she said putting her purse down. After another ten minuets my choreographer Jonathan finally arrived.

"Ms. Braxton!"

"Jonathan" I yelled with excitement as he hugged me. 

"Are you ready Toni! Heyy Towanda"

"Hi Jonathan!"

Jonathan quickly showed me the dances before the rest of the dancers arrived.

"Where's Trina, Towanda?"

"She's in traffic"

"And y'all say I'm always late" I said as I checked my phone. Checking my phone I had a missing call from Keri. I hope my boys are okay.

"Trinie" Tonanda yelled. I knew it was Trina because Towanda gave her that nickname.

"Hey Tone" she said before giving me a hug.
"Your late" I said but she laughed as if I was joking.
"No I'm dead serious Trina we can't start this being late. I need you and Towanda to set a good example for all of my new dancers"

"Damn Toni did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed this morning" she said frowning her face.
Towanda nodded her head agreeing with Trina.

"Im just in business mode that's all" I said watching the dancers rehearse.

"Whatever you say Toni. It's all about work and nothing about your boyfriend" Towanda said under her breath.

"I heard that" I said pointing my finger at Towanda.
"Hey Hey we're all here to work and put on a great show for the fans. And get paid so let's put on a good attitude and get to work" Trina said looking at both me and Towanda.

"Yeah what Trina said" Towanda replied.

"Then act like it" I replied before heading over to Jonathan. Jonathan and I decided to start the rehearsal. Rehearsal started at twelve but we didn't finish till eight.

"Okay guys rest tonight I'll see you all tomorrow at 12" I said as everyone listened before leaving.

"Toni you got a ride" Trina asked.

"Yeah he's on his way"

"Is it Chris" she asked smiling at me.

"Yes" I chuckled.

"Sooo you guys looked cute on the beach" she said as she softly nudged me.

"Really? I wasn't really focused on that" I giggled.

"Okay what were you focused on?"

I looked around to see who was listening and grabbed Trina's hand. "Where are we going" she asked as I went still holding her hand.

"I want to talk to you outside while I wait for Chris" I really wanted to get away so no one would hear my business.

"Okay Toni so what were you focused on?"

"I'm still worried that people will judge me and Chris" I said feeling relief. I've been holding that in all day.

"I understand, did you tell him?"

"No, I'm afraid" as I said those words Chris pulled up.

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