Chapter 8: The party

Start from the beginning

"Yes mom" Kali joked as she grabbed her guitar out of the back "see you soon" she turned and walked over to the band. After they finished setting everything up they decided it was time for a break before everyone else arrived. Kali suddenly started to feel nervous, she grabbed the bottle of Jack that was sitting on the side and quickly knocked back a large mouthful. A little bit of courage never hurt anyone. She wandered outside where the boys were and slumped down on the floor, lighting her cigarette and taking a long drag. She needed all the help she could get tonight. The main reason she was nervous was because she hadn't performed in front of a crowd for a long time but she was also nervous about seeing Billy. At school they were their usual flirty selves, giving each other kisses on the cheek, constantly hugging, walking around with their arms around each other's waist and hands in each other's back pockets, but tonight was different. Kali knew she wanted to make a move but was too scared, that's when she came up with the idea to surprise him with his favourite song. Part of her didn't care if he showed up tonight with another girl, or even if he hooked up with one but deep down she wanted him to be hers. She didn't know if she'd be able to admit it to him but she also knew the affect that alcohol had on her. She was known as an honest drunk. Whatever was on her mind at the time, was coming out of her mouth like word vomit and there was no stopping her.

As people started arriving, she knew she would need something else to calm her nerves. She looked over to find the boys passing a joint around, she strolled over to them and took the joint from Eddie's mouth, taking a long drag before passing it back. Ah that's better, she thought to herself, "slow down sweetheart, don't want you messing up during our set" she looked at Eddie and grinned "I'll be fine, just needed a bit of courage" she wandered back into the house but just as she reached the door, she heard the familiar roar of an engine. Billy. She turned around and raced over to him, wrapping her arms around his neck as he climbed out of his car "do my eyes deceive me or is this my Juliet" he grinned as he wrapped his arms around her waist, taking a deep breath so he could smell her perfume. She always smelt like lavender and cigarettes and it always managed to soothe him. "Hey Romeo" she beamed "someone's already started without me I see" he kissed the top of her head as they pulled away from each other "I needed some courage for tonight"

"You still haven't told me what you're doing"

"All in good time dear Romeo, come on let's get you a drink" she intwined her fingers with his and pulled him towards the kitchen. After a couple more shots of 'courage' Kali was ready to perform. The party was in full swing and Billy had already been dragged off by the basketball team. He wanted to try and beat Steve's keg stand time so he had wandered outside. There were girls all over him already, running their hands all over his chiseled body but Kali just shrugged her shoulders and headed over to the make shift stage that was set up in the living room. She picked up her guitar and turned to face the guys, she could see Steve and Nancy stood over in the corner with a drink in their hand waiting to cheer her on, "okay guys, thank you again for coming to my aid" she started out but was cut off  "we're always willing to help our sister out, and you know that, so can we just get on with blowing the roof off this place already?" Gareth called out from behind his drums, they all looked at each other and nodded. Eddie introduced them and then stepped away from the mic. Now it was Kali's time to shine.

"39, 40!" Billy was easily beating Steve's time, knocking him off the top spot and claiming the crown for himself, but he felt the need to stop when he heard the riff to his favourite song. "You did it Hargrove! You beat King Steve and now the crown is yours!" Everyone started cheering and chanting his name but all Billy cared about was finding the source of the music. Just as he stepped inside the house he heard, what he thought, was an angel singing to him,

It's early morning, the sun comes out
Last night was shaking and pretty loud

He followed the voice into the living room, he looked up to see a bunch of guys with instruments and that's when he noticed her.

My cat is purring, it scratches my skin
So what is wrong with another sin?

Now he knew what she meant by 'opening act'

The bitch is hungry, she needs to tell
So give her inches and feed her well

He was in awe of her beauty. Her voice sent his heart crazy, he could feel goosebumps up and down his skin, he moved closer to her and her gaze shifted to meet his eyes.

More days to come, new places to go
I've got to leave, it's time for a show.

He couldn't help but stare at her. She was singing his favourite song and he was loving every minute of it. He felt a wave of emotions as he stood and watched her. Her hands moving effortlessly along the Fret board, her angelic voice with a hint of raspiness from smoking, she was truly breathtaking. She carried on singing to him, the rest of the crowd jumping around and dancing, singing along to the lyrics whenever the chorus hit.

Here I am,
Rock you like a hurricane.
Here I am,
Rock you like a hurricane.

Billy didn't even notice that his mouth had dropped open when the solo hit. He watched her head bang along as she hit every note perfectly. It took him back to that first day of school, he remembered stepping out of his car while this song played and seeing this beautiful girl head banging along. He just stood and watched her, he knew from that moment that he needed to meet her and now stood here watching her play this song, in front of what was basically the entire school, he needed her to be his. He wanted to show her off because from this moment on he knew what his feelings were. He didn't care about any other girl, he wasn't interested in anyone else, to him she was the sun. His Juliet.

After playing a couple more songs, the band decided to take a quick break before finishing their set. Kali set her guitar down and made her way to the kitchen to get a drink. There were a bunch of people that told her she was amazing and that they couldn't wait for her to finish the set. Her nerves had gone and she felt on top of the world, there was only one more thing that could top this and he was following closely behind her. She grabbed them both a beer and turned to face him "congratulations my king, I heard that you knocked Steve off the top" she smiled as she handed him his drink, "never mind that, you looked and sounded incredible up there! And what a song to open with" she started blushing at his words, she rested her hand on his chest "well I guess you'll have a queen to walk alongside you now" she winked. After tonight, Kali quickly became the talk of the school but this time it was all positive. She was the new queen and Billy was her king. They ruled the school, they were untouchable and everybody wanted to know them. "You got that right princess" Billy winked back, taking a swig of his beer before placing his cup down on the counter. He rested his hand on the side of her face, stroking her cheek lightly as he closed the gap between them "you are my queen, always" Kali's hand was still resting on his chest and she felt his heartbeat quicken as they looked into each other's eyes, until finally, they closed the gap completely.

It was like fireworks went off as their lips locked. Everyone around them was cheering for their king and queen. Neither of them wanted to break the kiss but as they slowly pulled away, they rested their heads against each other, they looked into each other's eyes as they said "wow" in unison. They were both breathing heavily as Kali stepped back to take another swig of her drink, "come on Romeo, I need to finish my set" she kissed him again but only lightly as she pulled him back towards the living room.

Two of a kind...... A Billy Hargrove storyWhere stories live. Discover now