Sister, Sister

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|Murphy's POV|

Pulling up to my sister and Bash's house, I had the music blasting to be extra annoying. I was also on a coffee high. She came out after a few minutes and off we went. I drove us to a nearby salon. We were getting our nails done and pedicures. Then we'd go shopping and grab lunch. Lastly massages and back to dropping her off. I didn't have plans until late tonight and I was hoping to drag her along.

Bash called me this morning saying whatever she wanted, make sure she got it. She's been pouring herself into her family and it's time she takes care of Rory.

I was in my zone listening to the music when it was abruptly stopped. I glanced over at Rory who was scowling at me. I grinned at her and she rolled her eyes.

"Why must the music be so loud, Murphy?"

"To make sure you're awake."

"I am awake, but damn, don't make me deaf," she mumbled.

"Sorry, I'm just excited. We haven't hung out, just the two of us, in a long time."

I looked over at her again and saw she was frowning.

"With so much going on, I never meant to leave you behind."

"Aw, Rory, I didn't mean anything by that. Trust me, I would've straight up told you if I felt neglected. You've done so much even with me not seeing you every single day. I mean you and Bash let me stay at the apartment. Anytime I call, you answer. You text me daily. Don't guilt trip yourself. We're good, I promise."

Pulling into the nail salon parking lot, our day began. It was so much fun catching up. While we were shopping, if Ro wasn't getting hit on, I was. One dude was too bold and extremely rude.

"Hey ladies, how are you?"

We both nodded, going back to looking at the shoes. He turned his attention to Ro.

"You are absolutely beautiful."


"Do you live around here?"

"I wouldn't tell you if I did," she said absentmindedly.

"I was just trying to be friendly. A beautiful woman like yourself must...

"Must have a boyfriend."

He nodded and chuckled.

"Right because if you were my girl, you..."

"No need to speak hypothetically, I'm not your girl and I do have a boyfriend."

I snickered at her comment and the guy looked a little offended.

"Well, lucky him. Does he allow you to have friends?"

I looked at him like he was crazy. Allow? Why do dudes phrase things the way they do? Rory rolled her eyes.

"I can be friends with whoever I want. I don't need my boyfriend's permission for that. You didn't come over here trying to be friends. You were flirting with me."


"Have a good day, sir."

We went to walk away, but this dude just had to fix his mouth and say something else.

"Whatever, you stuck up bitch," he mumbled.

Rory stopped in her tracks. Typical, getting upset when turned down. Other guys can take a hint and move on, politely. Not this guy. I watched as my sister turned on her heels and went back in his direction.


"What did you just call me?" she questioned.

All the guy did was smirk at her.

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