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|Rory's POV|

Ever since having the twins I miss Bash that much more when he's away. This trip to Florida is literally 48 hours, but still. I miss my man.

Jamie and Izzy have arrived with Bianca and Olivia. They're going back home Monday morning. Logan got in trouble and didn't come with them. My little guy was out here stealing from the mall. Tyler wanted him to stay home so that was that.

With my mom here I was able to get some cleaning and organizing done. I was in my studio finishing up some sketches for an assignment I wanted to finish. My grind had been different since having the twins. I don't know where the super energy came from and being that they're still small, I can juggle school. I'm taking my max credits and I'll be taking classes through the winter and Summer. I'm on schedule to finish a semester early.

I was just about done when I saw my phone ringing. I wasn't surprised to see it was a FaceTime call from Bash.

Hey, babe.

Hey, beautiful. I see you're in your studio. Sorry to interrupt.

No, you're good. The twins are with my mom and sisters right now. I am just working on some stuff for school. What's going on?

Just wanted to see your face.

I blushed.

Oh, yeah?

He licked his lips.

Damn right. I'll be home tomorrow and I can really show you how much I miss you.

The doctor cleared me two weeks ago and we haven't done anything yet. Knowing his brother may be coming back with him, I doubt we'd be doing anything, anytime soon.

You know, if Leo comes back with you, we won't be...

Nah, don't even say it. I'm putting his ass on the far end of the hall and our room is soundproof. Only we can hear what's inside. If you think my brother is going to...

Alright, Bash. I get it.

Yeah, I thought so. You already know how I get down.

Mmm hmm. We have twins as a result of that. Anyways, how'd the talk go with your parents? What did they say?

I didn't even have to bring up that Leo wanted to move in with me. My mom suggested it, so to speak. My dad gave me this sob story of how he's trying to change and wants to rebuild our relationship.

Well, that's a start.

Yeah, I guess. He can continue to work on himself. I'm not worried about him and our relationship right now.

I know, you don't trust him.

Damn right I don't. I have every reason not to. I'm not going to sit here and bond with this man and then he gets close to the twins and does some fuck shit. I'm not having it, Ro.

I hear you, babe, I do. I just want you to heal for yourself. Not for me, the twins, your brother, or your parents. You need to heal for you. That's all I want.

Easier said than done.

We had very two very different upbringings, so yes, you're right, it is easy for me to say that. I'm not in your shoes. I just know that this bothers you and makes you second guess yourself. You have your therapist that can help.

I know what I have, Ro. I'm already dealing with the shit here. Please don't start.

Alright, fine.

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