Chapter 31: Return

Start from the beginning

Nodding in understanding, the old Master had a knowing smile. "There are no wrong paths, only winding turns we did not know we could take. If you feel you must leave to be happy, then I will not stop you. But remember that you always have a place here, with us." he pointed out to Hunter, who looked at the old Master and nodded...


A tear ran down Hunter's cheek as he held the staff in his hands, staring at it and gripping it tightly. He really felt the sting from losing Oogway, and this staff was like a part of him. He couldn't even say goodbye, or thank the old Turtle for everything. Shifu of course tried his best, he really did... But Master Oogway was something else entirely. Hunter really felt lost without him, and like the world was a bit more empty. He always knew that if he needed help or advice, Oogway was there. He could go to him if he needed it.

But not anymore. Even so, he could picture the old Turtle's advice on the matter because it was the same problem. He was sure Oogway would say the solution was also the same as always...

Placing the staff back on its pedestal and bowing to it, Hunter walked away, sighing to himself. He thought the walk and maybe Oogway's staff would help him sort through his thoughts, but instead, it just clouded his mind even more. He was just looking forward to the upcoming Winter Festival, so he would have an excuse to drink until he blacks out.

Walking back up to his campsite to feel sorry for himself, he instead found Tigress and Po walking down. "Oh! Hunter, we were looking for you. Just making sure you're alright. That was a megacool battle you had!" Po pointed out to him. "You seemed alright on the journey back, but we wanted to ask- Well, we just, err..."

Rolling her eyes, Tigress took over the conversation. "He means , would you like to eat with us again tonight?" She asked, leading to Po diving behind her to take cover from any possible reprisals from Hunter at the question while Tigress just shook her head in slight annoyance at Po's antics.

The request was much sweeter coming from Tigress. "Sure, why not?" he nodded, although held his hand up when Po was about to explode in excitement. "But I'll still be eating my own food." Hunter pointed out. Po kind of deflated at that, but was still excited for him to join them again.

After Hunter had retrieved a container of food he had prepared during the journey back from Viper's village and went with the two of them to the kitchen. "Hey, look who decided to sit at the table!" Mantis said in slight surprise as Hunter entered with the two other warriors.

Po limbered up smugly in front of them. "What can I say? I turned the Dragon Warrior charm up to 11 and he was totally on board." he said as if it were no big deal.

Next, Tigress spoke in her usual tone. "Was hiding behind me part of this 'charm' you apparently used?" she asked, making no indication it was a joke apart from the slight smirk on her face.

Adding to it, Hunter looked at Tigress. "I don't know, it was the obvious cub eyes you gave me, Kitten. How could I say no?" he asked, still monotone in voice, although a smirk was on his face as well.

Once again rolling her eyes, Tigress shook her head. "Even if I knew how to do that, I wouldn't waste such an obviously effective tactic on getting you to agree to eat with us." she said to him.

Speaking next without completely thinking it through, Hunter had a glint in his eyes when he replied to her. "Oh? And what would you get me to agree to do with you, Kitten ?" he asked her, looking into her own eyes.

Blushing bright beneath her fur, Tigress, unlike herself, stammered out a response. "O-o-obviously I'd get you to clean my quarters for me!" she said, pretending to be innocent of the institution of his words.

'Anything to get me alone, hmm~?' Was his thought, but he quickly realised what he previously said, and also blushed, laughing to save face and regulating his mouth. "Hah! Yeah, as if I'd ever do that!" he said a little bit too enthusiastically.

Meanwhile, Po quickly went about preparing dinner for the Five and himself. "Noodle Soup, comin' up!" he exclaimed, quickly getting everything ready with the steady hand of a master chef.

Crane looked at Hunter then as he sat back in his chair. "So... Those markings?" he asked. "They mean anything?" Crane asked him.

Everyone else seemed interested as well, even Po's ears swivelled towards the table at the question. "They do. But I'll tell you another time." he said, waving off the question for now.

Seeing he didn't want to discuss it, Viper switched topics. "Good job handling that fiery demon thing, Hunter. The rest of us were caught off guard by those flames." she said, shuddering at the mere memory of the bright light and heat.

Shrugging in response, Hunter spoke. "Well I've been set on fire before, so it's no big deal." He said nonchalantly.

"What?!" Exclaimed everyone at the table, even Tigress.

Monkey was aghast like the others. "Someone set you on fire?" he asked.

Waving his hand and shaking his head, Hunter denied this. "No no no!" he said, leading to sighs of relief from all. "I set myself on fire."

"What?!" The same thing happened twice.

Sighing at the reaction and rolling his eyes in amusement, Hunter explained. "So these bandits were terrorising some farmers or something, I don't remember. They lived in the desert, farming all sorts of vegetables. Anyway, these bandits came from the rainforest, and the locals believed in this fire god, or fire demon that would protect them. When the bandits started extorting them, nothing happened. So I come into town and do some trading, and hear about these bandits and this legend. Now, one thing I traded for here was some fireproof clothing, the locals had some kind of chemicals that they treated the clothes in, made them resistant to it somehow. So, I had an idea. Next time the bandits came, I dressed in my usual clothes, but put on the fireproof stuff underneath. I doused myself in alcohol, lit myself up and ran at the bandits while swinging my sword wildly and screaming for them to leave. They ran like hell out of there and never came back again, with the locals thinking their legend was real. I jumped in the stream out of sight by the village quickly. My clothes were ruined and I singed my hair, but it was so worth it."

Everyone was listening now, with Po having distributed his food, and Hunter had gotten his own out. "Wow! Did you get paid for it?" Mantis asked him.

Scoffing, Hunter shook his head. "No. It was funny and that was enough for me. The looks on their faces were priceless." he said. More and more the Five and Po got the feeling that he was more than a simple Bounty Hunter.

Po then got a face of remembrance. "Pfft, I remember when I said there were no ladies at the Jade Palace, and Viper and Tigress slapped me." he laughed, leading to the two of them also laughing at remembering slapping Po.

Meanwhile, Hunter was shocked at what he said. "What?! I mean, how the hell couldn't you have thought they were 'ladies'?! I mean come on! Both Viper and Tigress are exceptionally gorgeous women and any man would be lucky to even be noticed by either of them!" he exclaimed suddenly, the entire table freezing and turning to look at him at what he had just said.

Realising he once more spoke without thinking, Hunter turned red and mumbled something like 'forget I said anything' and hyper focused on his noodles, refusing to look at anyone. Come the end of the meal, everyone said goodnight and went to sleep, with Hunter mumbling his farewells before going up to his campsite to hopefully disappear forever...

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