Imagine 13 - Louis messed up

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bit of spanish there for you hehe


Obviously, I love my husband and marrying him was the best decision of my life but make no mistake, there are some ups and downs in the married life and today was one of those downs.

The guys and their girlfriends had decided to come over and have a little get together which was really great timing because Freddie had just woken up his afternoon nap and he always enjoyed having guests over.

Right now, the girls and I decided to head upstairs for some much needed girl time and the guys stayed downstairs in our living room. Freddie wanted to come with us instead of being with us dad uncles and his dad (cough*cough* mommas boy) but eventually he decided he wanted to sit in the corner and play with is toys. I don't blame him.

"So Holland, how's married life treating you?" Maya asked me

I smiled as I thought about our first year of marriage together "Well you know they say the first year is the hardest but honestly, things have been going so well and I couldn't be happier" I said to them.

"What about you and Liam?" I asked Maya curiously.

"Well as you probably saw on instagram, we recently adopted a dog and he is so cute!" she exclaimed happily.

"Oh and there is this" she spoke up again, a smug smirk plastered on her face as she lifted up her hand, showing an ENGAGEMENT RING!

All of the girls gasped simultaneously and we instantly moved closer to inspect the ring on her finger.

"Maya that ring is gorgeous! Liam did a good job" I told her and she blushed slightly.

(things are kind of now shifting into 3rd point of view)

While the girls were busy admiring the giant rock on Maya's finger, Freddie got bored of his toys and decided to venture down the stairs to where his dad and uncles were. His curiosity only grew when he heard uncle Niall ask Louis while he looked so tired.

"Holland I f*cked all night, practically went at it like rabbits!" Louis replied to his friend with a smirk on his face

"Ooh Louis got some!" Harry exclaimed.

Now Freddie was confused. So he approached his father and tapped his leg.

Louis's face, along with the guys, turned as white as a ghost when he realized his 3 year old son had been listening in on his conversation. He knew he messed up now and he knew his wife was going to be angry with him.

"Daddy, what do you mean you and mommy f*cked? Freddie asked his flabbergasted father.

Of course, Harry burst out laughing when he heard the swear word fall from Freddie's lips but was immediately silenced when he saw the pointed glare Louis gave him.

"Uhm well lad what it means is that... well... uhh you know... your mommy were playing games last night that had rabbits in it.." He mumbled out nervously, hoping his son would believe him but from the looks of it, he probably didn't.

Freddie, wanting to confirm his fathers story, looked at uncle Harry first.

"What your daddy said little man" he said

Freddie looked at uncle Niall next.

"What uncle Harry said" Niall said

Now at uncle Liam.

Louis Tomlinson Imagines  ( with a twist ; ) Where stories live. Discover now