Imagine 8 - The Six Chair Challenge

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thank you so much for making this request, you have no I idea how I excited I was to write this!!


Hollands POV:

I'm not nervous, you're nervous

It is the X-Factor 2018 and I have made it to the six chair challenge! I still can't believe it myself when I think about it

But here I am, waiting behind stage until it is my turn to preform my song for the six chair challenge. I have a dark green blouse on which had one of those sleeves that go past your hands and I paired the blouse with simple black leggings. My hair is curled into beach waves and tiny braids have been braided into it.

As I watch the last contestant preform, I believe her name is Bella Penfold , I can't help but feel the butterflies in my stomach growing stronger. Simon Cowell is a hard man to impress and it going to take a lot of talent and character to get a chair. I hope I'm up to the task.

And it looks like Bella got a chair.

"Next up I would like to see Holland Hansen please" I heard Simon say.

With a deep breath, I walk onto the stage with a smile on my face and a microphone in my hand.

Oh boy, here we go.

As soon as I walked out on stage, my eyes immediately drifted to Louis's beautiful blue eyes and I instantly felt at ease. Damn the effect he has on me. Louis's eyes stay trained on me as I walk to the X on the stage, a smile on his face.

"Hello Holland, nice to see you again" Simon says to me.

"Hi Simon and everyone else" I say with a nervous smile on my face.

"Now Holland, this is going to be tougher than the first audition, so could you please tell me why you deserve that seat?" Simon says as his eyes bore into eyes.

I lift the microphone to my mouth "Well Simon this is everything I've ever wanted and I fight for what I want and I know I have a fighting chance". I kept my tone as firm and appropriate as possible because I really did not want to make him angry.

He nods his head at my response "Alright thank you, lets hear you sing"

I nod my head and take one last deep breath.

My eyes quickly shift to Louis and he has a warm smile on his face and proudness shining in his eyes. I discreetly smile at him too, hoping my eyes convey the same intensity of the emotions.

Once I heard the the keys of the piano, I closed my eyes and began to sing

"When your day is long"

"And the night, the night is yours alone"

"Don't let yourself go"

As I sing that line, I make sure to raise my voice an octave slightly higher and drag out the "go".

I can hear the cheers of the crowd as I kept on singing and a smile steadily grew on my face and I opened my eyes.

"Cause everybody cries"

"And everybody hurts"

I drag out the "r" in hurts to add more effect to my voice and I can hear the crowd clapping and cheering again. This song has so much emotion behind it and I slowly feel tears gathering in my eyes but I try to keep them back as much as possible. This song as well was loved by mother, she always used to blast that song when she was cooking and she made me dance with her in the kitchen. I miss her so much.

Louis Tomlinson Imagines  ( with a twist ; ) Where stories live. Discover now