She stood up and walked towards me. She stood in front of me and grabbed my tie. She tried to kiss me but I pushed her away.
Siya:What are you doing?
I was more than angry.
Sandra:Come on you need to loosen up, you are always serious. Let me make you feel good.
Siya:I don't know what agenda you had coming here but you won't succeed. I don't like women who throw themselves at me, it's not cute and it's a big turn off. It just shows how much of a ratched hoe you are.

She looked at me in disbelief.

Sandra:They told me that you are like this.
Siya:You should have listened to them. Now can you please leave my office? Imidlalo nje iyona engingena skhathi sayo. (I don't have time for games).
Sandra:I'm sorry what was that?
Siya:I said leave.
She took her bag embarrassed and walked out.
I sighed and fixed my tie.
I took my phone and called her father,
Miles:Mr Nyathi, I'm sorry for not calling you. I'm going to be a bit late.
Siya:Your daughter was just here, she said you sent her. Didn't you?
Miles:No I didn't send her. Sandra is troublesome! I just told her that I have a presentation today, I didn't think she'd come there. I'm really sorry Sir.
Siya:It's fine.
Miles:She is always doing this, she harrases my potential investors and seduces them. This girl will kill me! I am honestly tired of her!
Siya:It's fine, just come over tomorrow and redo your presentation.
Miles:Oh thank you so much Mr Nyathi. I won't let you down.
I hung up and continued with my work.
The tension is so thick here, you can only hear the sound of spoons hitting with the plates. I look at Nokuzola, and she is silently eating looking down.
Aunt Nomtha and Bhut Lungelo keep on stealing glances at each other.
I also silently eat, my phone vibrates from my pocket. I took it and it was a text from Lindo, telling me goodnight and that he loves me. I smiled and replied to him.
Nomtha:You are so in love!
Kukhanya:I love him.
Nomtha:He better not break your heart. I will sort him out real quick.
Kukhanya:*Chuckling*He won't aunt Nomtha.
Nokuzola:Please excuse me.
She stood up and ran outside.
O-Kay, did we say anything wrong to offend her? I look at aunt Nomtha and she shrugs her shoulders.
Nomtha:I will check up on her.
Nokuzola ran outside, she was feeling too hot inside. Her daughter won't even look at her, how does she begin to talk to her?
Nomtha comes to her and sits next to her.
Nomtha:Are you okay?
Nokuzola:I am. I just wanted some air.
Nomtha :Noks you can talk to me, I am your friend.
Nokuzola:I just need to talk with Kukhanya, I need to tell her my side of the story. I know she doesn't know anything because I begged you to not tell her.
Nomtha:We never told her.
Nokuzola:She hates me. She thinks I don't love her, I saw they way she looked at me today. She didn't even want me to hug her. She is my daughter Nomtha, every day I thought of her. Of when I would see her again, she was what kept me going inside.
I won't push her though, she will talk with me when she is ready.
Nomtha:She is just a child Noks. In her mind, you abandoned her when you went to jail. She always asked me why you don't want her to see you. She eventually gave up on you, she is still convinced that you don't want her.
Nokuzola:It is not like that at all, I didn't want her to see me in jail. I wanted her to live her life freely without having to worry about me. But I realise now that was my biggest mistake.
Nomtha:Give it time, she will open up to you.
Nokuzola:Thank you for taking care of her. Please tell me about her.
Nomtha:*Smiling*She is a respectful girl, she graduated last year and is currently working as an intern at some company.
Nokuzola:So she finished Matric at 16?
Nomtha :Yep, she is smart. She once skipped a grade because of how intelligent she was.
Nokuzola smiled feeling proud.
Nomtha:She is a quiet person, she says she is allergic to noise.
She laughs at that.
Nomtha:Overall, you will see for yourself what kind of person she is. I raised her well.

Nokuzola's mood dropped. This is her daughter, she is the one who was supposed to raise her daughter.

Nokuzola:What happened to her arm then? Last I checked, she was disabled and it wasn't straight like that.
Nomtha:Hey boyfriend's family paid for her operation to straighten her arm, all the way to Columbia.
Nokuzola:Oh. I truly have missed out on a lot. I didn't even know that her arm could be straightened. I would have tried harder, I would have tried to find help for her.
Nomtha:It's okay. Please don't cry Noks.

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