Sneak Peak of Further Chapter

881 70 5

After two months

In Wei Mansion

Mr. and Mrs. Wei is now sitting in living room on a sofa . In front of them their youngest son is sitting on another sofa. Three of them sit quite for sometime . To break the silence Mr. Wei Fengmian cleared his throat .

" Zhan we have to talk you about something . " Said Madam Yu .

" What is that mother went to talk to me ? " asked Zhan.

" We want you to get married " said Fengmain.

"Oh, is that so . I will get married to my girlfriend in next few years " said Zhan.

" No you are not getting married to that girl . We want you to get married to only an omega where it is a male or female we don't have any problem that to with in 1 months " said Madam Yu .


" Yibo we want to discuss something with you " said Wang Yi.

" What is it aunty ?" Asked Yibo .

" We want you to get married to my friend youngest son who is an Alpha " said Qiren.

" We want you to decide whether you are ready for this marriage or not . If you are ready then we will get you married within 2 months and if in case you are not ready we will not force you to get married . " Said Wang Yi.


" I am ready for the marriage you can choose any omega ,I don't have any problem but , I have a condition that he/she has to respect my family and love my family as his own . If you can find the omega I am ready to marry but if you can't then I will marry my girlfriend and that's final. " Said Zhan


" I am ready for the marriage but , I have a condition that I will continue my studies and after graduation I will open my own company , if they don't have any problem with my condition then I am ready to marry him " said Yibo .


Let's see what will happen further .

Sorry for updating after a long time.

Hope you like this .

Thank you


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