Chapter Forty: The Way Out

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Eric and the others tried to keep up with Ash and Seth. Well, Raveena was the most determined. Eric just cared about getting away from the Apex.

By the time Eric, Sam, Adam, and Raveena reached the top of the next set of stairs, Ash and Seth were halfway to the next floor.

"Ash, wait!" Raveena yelled.

Eric stopped to catch his breath. "Raveena, he's not coming with us." He barely managed to get the words out. "I get you want to talk to him, but right now we need to focus on getting past the Apex and getting everyone out."

Raveena slowed. Stopped. Sighed. "Fine."

"Should we head back down?" Adam asked.

Sam held up a hand. "Summer and Veronica are almost here. Let's wait for them."

Sure enough, Summer and Veronica appeared at the top of the stairs a few moments later, the rest of the Fortuna Guard in tow. "We've got everyone, but some people are too injured to move fast."

Raveena moved forward. "I'm on it."

"Did you guys see Ash and Seth?" Eric asked.

Summer nodded as she descended the stairs. "They ran by. Figured they were leaving and didn't bother with them. What's up with you guys?"

"We ran into the monster again," Eric replied. "Ash and Seth helped us fight it for a minute."

"Really?" Veronica asked, raising an eyebrow.

Eric nodded. "And Ash said the Director seemed to know what it was. He called it the Apex."

"Is it Scorpion's after all, then?" Summer asked.

"Apparently not."

Raveena waved a hand. "Everyone's healed enough to move," she announced.

Summer lifted her bat and gave it a test swing. "Well, that thing doesn't stand a chance against all of us."

"I hope you're right," Eric said.

With most of team four—and a few others—gone to start the choppers, there were thirteen Fortuna Guard altered left to evacuate the building. Eric, Summer, Sam, and Veronica took the lead, and the descent began.

They made it all the way to the fourth floor before the Apex announced its presence by slamming into Eric.

He'd just stepped off the stairs when the collision knocked him into the wall. By the time he'd collapsed to the floor, lights were dancing in his vision, making it difficult to process the Apex as it towered over him.

Summer jumped between the Apex and Eric and dealt a solid blow to its head with her bat. Electricity raced across the metal to add to the attack. "Run!" Summer screamed, barely audible over the Apex's shriek of pain.

A few other altered moved to help Summer. Veronica pinned the creature to the ground with gravity, giving Eric a chance to climb to his feet and run. He had to force himself to start down the next staircase, reminding himself he was the real target, throwing occasional glances back until Summer and the others caught up.

A cryokinetic joined them at the front of the group. "I encased it in ice, but I don't think it'll last long," she said. "And I don't think I'll be able to do it again."

Summer threw a glance back. "We should just kill it now."

"We've got fifteen minutes," Sam warned.

Eric's heart was suddenly beating way too hard in his chest. "Yeah, let's focus on getting out, first."

"Right, right," Summer said. "Is the building empty? This is our last chance to make sure everyone's out."

Sam nodded. "It's—" He missed a step and stumbled. Veronica grabbed him to keep him from falling. "Twelve more soldiers and—ten altered," Sam said, eyes wide. "Why are they still on the second floor?"

"Uh, isn't that where we are?"

Eric barely had time to ask the question before they were attacked.


Thunder shook the sky above as Ash zipped up his jacket and stepped onto the roof. He watched altered scramble into jetchoppers, a dramatic contrast to the perfectly still soldiers waiting around the roof. Ash had a feeling there wouldn't be room for the remaining soldiers, but when he noticed Claudia walking by, he caught her attention to check.

"There are still some soldiers in the building," Ash told her. "I'm guessing we're leaving them behind?"

"Yes," Claudia answered, her eyes on her phone's screen. "I ordered them to make a perimeter to prevent the Fortuna Guard from escaping."

Ash's heart dropped to his stomach. Had he heard her right? "You—you want to trap them in the building?"

"Oh, I doubt the soldiers and our altered will succeed entirely, but we can at least delay them."

"Our...altered?" Ash blinked. "All of the kids were supposed to evacuate."

"I ordered a few to delay the enemy. I just want to come out of this more intact than they do." Claudia's expression darkened. "Hopefully, it will deter them from trying to face us in the future."

Seemingly unaware that Ash was at a complete loss for words, Claudia walked away. All he could do was stare as she climbed into a jetchopper. The blades started spinning, and the chopper lifted into the air.

Finally, Ash realized he couldn't just stand there all night. With Claudia gone, he was essentially in charge, unless the Director decided to start giving orders. He walked to the nearest soldier. "Grab an empty chopper and stay close to the building," he instructed. "Stay as long as you can before the bomb goes off and pick up any stragglers."

The soldier acknowledged his command and headed for one of the choppers. Another chopper nearby roared to life, ready to take off. Ash hurried over to it and pulled open the door.

"Drop me on the ground!" he shouted at the soldier piloting as he climbed in. He ignored the confused looks from the other altered. The chopper lowered next to the building, and he made the leap from the open door to the ground.

As the door slid shut and the chopper returned to the sky, he couldn't help but fear he was making a mistake.

Too late to turn back now. Ash walked to where soldiers were gathering in the trees around the building. They were barely visible in the darkness, ready to ambush the altered that would be emerging at any moment.

The Pyramid Chronicles: Fortuna Guard (#2) [MOVING JUNE 30]Where stories live. Discover now