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Mother hood is not something i see in the next few coming years of my life but right now it seems like it has come early. I was awoken at a gruel 6 in the morning with Kay spewing her guts up. Thank god she had the bucket otherwise our floor carpet would be going in the bin right about now.

i am currently sat on the bath tub rim as Kay has herself prepped by the toilet in case of any more showings. She has made sure to tell me how sorry she is and that i can just go back to sleep but i always laugh it off. Despite only living off a couple hours of sleep right now i love the girl and i'm not going to sleep while she's in this condition.

I bring her water and make sure she sips carefully on it in order not to set anything else off. while she does this i quickly get dressed into some more athletic gear as i know we are doing full out dancing and singing today due to regionals being very soon.

My Bag is packed and ready by the door so when i need to i can leave with a quick exit. i apply a little bit of makeup but that's not the main priority so i throw my hair up in a pony tail and go back to the toilet.

"hey, how are you feeling?"
"pretty shit, but better. Honestly i'll be fine i know you need to go okay, i would hug you in thanks but i doubt you want to be anywhere near me right now" she laughs weakly earning a sympathetic smile from me.

"also i'm sorry if i interrupted you and Jessie last night. I know you asked me to wait longer and i probably fucked your night up."

" Honestly Kay it's fine don't even worry about that. i'll be back soon okay? And call me the moment anything happens i'm just a call away yeah?" i blow her a kiss and make my way to the door, grab my bag and set out the room.

I make my way across campus to the training area we have which of course has to be the furthest it could possibly be but thankfully i make it in time. I know i look a mess but at least i won't receive any grief from Aubrey with lateness.

"what happened to you? you look like you've just been dragged through a bush and stomped on repeatedly, multiple times after"
I look Over at Fat Amy as she comments on my appearance i can't even fault her i feel like shit so i most likely look like shit.

"yeah tell me about it, if that happened i'd still probably feel 10x better than i do now."
Before anyone could comment any further on my statement, Aubrey struttes into the room demanding we get into our places for the dance. I can already tell by the way she is holding her self today that she is not going to take shit from anyone so begrudgingly i do as she asks.

About a few hours later of straight run through after run though i'm nearly at my breaking point.
" i should have taken that cardio tip more seriously"
"how much have you done?"
her tone of voice shows the true stress she is under, honestly she needs to calm and it will most likely be fine.
" you just saw it"

"Ladies, that was better but we have a long ways to go before Regionals. Chloe, you have to be able to hit that last note."
she has been stressing this all morning and it's the same reply, is my life just on replay right now?

"i can't ... it's impossible.. because of my nodes"
everyone chimes in on the nodes knowing that it's the same answer, at this rate we should start bets whose going to call it first.

"Well if you can't, then someone else needs to step up and solo."
i can see that while she is drinking she's looking at the group who would be the best pick but i don't think there is a right answer to that.

"well i think Abbi should do it"
i look up from where i am currently picking my fingers and look almost startled that my name has been brought up, i'm really tired and i don't feel like getting involved today.

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