Chapter 1

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It's the first day of school. I'm going to a new school. I find it quite exciting, because I don't know anyone there. But it will be fine. I go downstairs and grab my breakfast. Then I get ready to go to school. I step into the school yard and sit in a corner somewhere. Then suddenly I see a boy standing in front of me. Hi, I'm Louis, Louis Tomlinson. Who are you? Asks the boy who is apparently called Louis. I'm Harry Styles, I say a little shyly. Should I show you around? Louis asks. Yes, that's fine, I say a little less shyly. Trriiiiiiiiiing!! The school bell rings and Louis and I walk together to the first lesson of the day, which is English. Then we have Natural Sciences and then it's recess. Louis and I sit at a table during the break.

Louis pov

Harry and I are sitting at a table. And I ask if I can introduce him to my friends. Yep, he says. Okay, then let's walk over there. I say as I drag Harry along. Okay, this is Niall (his nickname is Nialler), Liam, and Zayn. Hey, says Harry shyly. Nialler, Liam and Zayn, this is Harry. I say. The school bell rings again, the break is over and the five of us walk inside. Trriiiiiiiiiing!! Finally, the school day is over! All five of us shout in unison. Will you come with me to my house? I ask. Oke, it's fine. Harry says, actually a little happy. We arrived at my house and I open the door with my key.

Harry pov

Louis opens the door and I plop on the couch. Do you want something to drink? Louis asks. Yes, you can. I say. And Louis disappears into the kitchen. He comes out of the kitchen with 2 glasses of coke. Do you want to sleep over? Louis asks. Euhmm I actually have to be home at 6 o'clock sorry, I say and walk out the door. Why did I lie? I ask myself. I live alone so I don't have parents telling me when to be home. But tomorrow I'll make it right again.

Louis pov

Why did Harry run away so quickly? I ask myself. Oh well, we'll talk more about it tomorrow.

This was part 1 of the new story are you curious if Harry will tell the truth tomorrow? I will write as soon as possible! By the way, I have seen that there are people who have read my previous story! I really like that! Vote or / and comment is certainly allowed. It's a short part but that's because it's part 1! Doodles!

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