Chapter 3: Asche, The Bizzare Nymph

Start from the beginning

"You're not ugly tho..." I honestly told him. "And who told you that I am watching your face? I am watching you work! I am also watching your tiddies, abs, triceps, and biceps to work! I was even wondering if I can touch them."

Hephaestus suddenly pushed himself away from me.

"You're a pervert," Hephaestus told me with bewildered eyes. 

I silently giggled when I saw how his ears turned red.

"Just a simp," I said with a happy tone. "I also simp to other people, especially to Artemis and Hera---"

"If you're going to shift our conversation to Hera, you can stop talking," Hephaestus told me with a frown on his face. His blushing face turned cold after saying those words to me. "And stop acting like a guest, You are my hostage."

"But you treat me like a guest," I mumbled to myself.

Hephaestus became silent upon hearing those words from me. It seems like he decided to ignore me again.

2 weeks had already passed in the mortal realm since the day that Hephaestus abducted me as his Hostage. I don't know where this man brought me, but I am currently staying in his house and was not allowed to go outside.

Hephaestus said that he kidnapped me because he noticed how Hera favored me, he also told me that he won't do something bad to me as long as I comply with his instructions. So, I didn't dare to run away.

As if I could run away from here. 

If I am not wrong there are a lot of dangerous traps outside of his house. If I made a single wrong step while I'm running away, I will end up severely injured, or worst of all, Dead

But in the first place, Hephaestus isn't evil.

He never treated me badly.

But still...

"When are you going to return me to the forest?" I asked him. I placed my cheeks on my palm before looking at his face. "Can't you free Hera from the Golden Throne already? Maybe she already reflected on her sins?"

[NoteHera was currently cursing at Hephaestus]

"Do you think that my prideful mother would really reflect on it?" Hephaestus asked me with a frown. "I doubt if I'll ever get some respect from her." 

I took a deep sigh before leaning my chin on the table.

It seems like persuading him to free Hera will take a little longer. His anger toward his mother must be deep that it scarred him that intensely.

I'm Hera's friend, but I don't like what she did to his son.

"Hey, Hephaestus," I called him with a cheeky smile on my face.

Hephaestus raised his head as he glanced at me. "What?"

"I like you," I giggled.

The man paused upon hearing those words, he glanced at me with confusion and a stupefied face. Hephaestus who was been flustered suddenly shook his before clearing his throat.


"No, that won't work on me," Hephaestus told me, but I noticed how his ears suddenly turned red. The man took a deep breath before glaring at me. "Stop doing that Little Nymph, that won't work on me."

Pffft, he's not yet immune to a 21st-century woman's suprise 'I like you's'.

My eyes went wide when the man suddenly stands up as he towered over me with his enormous build. He suddenly placed his hands under my armpit before kicking me out of his workshop.

"Oi! Why are you kicking me out?" I complained to him. I squinted my eyes at him before crossing my arms. "Are you shy because I said I like you---"

Hephaestus stared at me with a facepalm, I fell silent. 

"Go to your room, Little Nymph," He told me before grabbing the handle of the door. "Stop distracting me."

Then BANG!

He closed the door.

I stared at the door with a dumbfounded face. 

"Tsk, Tsk, what a tsundere," I mumbled. 

How cute.



Hephaestus' sapphire eyes became cold as soon as he took out the letters from his drawers. These letters were from the Olympian Gods trying to persuade him to free his mother from the Golden throne that he created.

Just as he anticipated.

No one has the ability to destroy that craft that he created. A smirk appeared on his lips before brushing his dark hair that was tied in a ponytail. 

It feels good that none of the Gods who insulted him can stop his little revenge.

From his birth to his adulthood he was discriminated against because of his deformed look. The mother who raised him, Thetis, and the Blacksmith on the Island of Lemnos was the only person who cared for him genuinely.

'I wanna touch your tiddies.'

'You're not ugly.'

'I like you.'

Hephaestus suddenly turned red when he remembered the green-haired Little Nymph that he took as a hostage against Hera.

"How can she say that to me? Is she naive?" Hephaestus mumbled to himself. He placed his hands on his lips trying to hide the little smile on his face. "What a bizarre nymph," He mumbled.

As far as he can remember, that Little Nymph said 'I love you,'  and 'I might fall in love with you,' to his real mother, Hera, at the banquet.

He had never seen a creature openly saying their affection like that little nymph.

'I like you.'

He also wonders if her words were genuine.

But she's a pervert.

"Strange," He mumbled as he took a deep breath, 

Hephaestus' eyes went back to the letters that were in his drawer. His eyes darted to a letter that caught his attention the most. The little smile on his lips disappeared as soon as he read the content of that letter.

Bring back the Nymph.

A letter from Artemis.

The man crumbled the letter and immediately threw it into the fire. Watching the letter burning along the fire, Hephaestus felt pleasure.

Truth to be told...

It wasn't on Hephaestus's plan to abduct someone as his hostage. He didn't know what really happened to him, but he just find himself abducting the green-haired Nymph away from that place.

The Nymph looked average, but Hephaestus was mesmerized by her smile.

This is dangerous.

None of it was part of the plan.

If there is someone that he needs to abduct, then it will be the Goddess who's about to be born at the Coast of Cythera. The Goddess that he needs to marry in order to exact his revenge on the Olympian Gods.

The Goddess of Beauty...


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