•| life no.1. part (3) |•

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" obanai I hear you called me "

A tall man with defined muscles , white hair and red eyes stepped inside the office.

" Tengen , isn't it a bit rude to enter without knocking on the door ? "

" Well we are friends so I don't see the problem"

" Since we're we friends? "

" Since you asked for my help to put down the rebellion "

The man sat down on the chair opposite to him.

" So Why'd you call me ? "

The black haired man mumbled something that if tengen didn't have sensitive hearing he wouldn't have heard him.

And the white haired man burst into uncontrollable laughter.


A red faced obanai yelled

" Nothing just that you Mr.' I don't need anyone's help' want to ask me for advice "

" I hate you "

Obanai glared at tengen

" yeah yeah "

The man stopped laughing

" So what do you need my wisdom for?"

Before obanai could speak a maid entered with a tray of tea and cake

" Sir , lord tengen "

" Keiko you may place the tea and cake on the table "

The maid then placed the tea and cake on the table

" Do you need anything else sir ? "

" No thank you "

The maid bowed down and before she could leave obanai said

" Thank mitsuri for the cake "

That earned him a raised eyebrow from tengen who already began munching on the cake

" Of course sir "

The maid then left shutting the door with her

" So how have you been? "

" Good "

They sat in awkward silence

" Tengen"

The man hummed

" You have three wives right "

" Yes "

" How did you get them to like you ? "

" It's about the mitsuri girl isn't it "

Obanai looked down his ears flushing

" Yes " he mumbled

" Well , you see each wife had to be courted a different way than the other"

" How so ? "

" Well my first wife Suma was the daughter of a duke but she liked simple things like flowers , poems and music "

The man took a break to sip his tea

" On our first date I got her flowers and took her to an opera , I confessed to her with a poem"

" I told her about my family tradition of marrying three and she agreed she even picked my second and third wife"

Obanai was stunned when his older sister heard that her husband married another woman she cut off his hand so how could another woman be okay with her husband not marrying one but two more ?

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