At this point, his voice grew softer.

"You don't want to make that mistake... Trust me."

By the end of his spiel, I felt utterly dumbfounded. In the few minutes it had taken him to complete his speech, Yuri's tone had completely reversed itself. What had started as a stern scolding from a strict teacher had ended in a vulnerable confession that left me feeling like an intruder to an intimate conversation.

Apparently, Yuri caught onto my puzzlement, because his face grew flushed almost immediately.

Coughing awkwardly, Yuri distracted himself by packing up his skate bag.

"O-or whatever. I wasn't trying to make that about myself," He stammered. He must've been really bothered about this little "slip-up", because after explaining himself once, I noted at least three more times when it seemed like he was about to justify such horrifying vulnerability, only to silence himself before his words got a chance.

When I was just about to leave (without saying goodbye, since I had no idea how to go about such a thing), Yuri spoke up again.

"Don't leave yet," He said. "I have an idea."

I turned back to face him, stunned when I saw him pulling out a smartphone.

"Since you clearly have trouble doing it yourself," He declared pointedly, stabbing me with his words, "I'll be making sure that you're fit to come to class. I can text you at regular intervals so you won't forget to eat and drink water."

"Uh..." I mumbled, unsure of how to respond. Aside from the fact that I'd assumed he didn't even own a smartphone (since that would make it easier for people to contact him), I'd never imagined in a million years that he would give his number to me.

Furthermore, I really didn't want him to be able to text me whenever he wants.

"You really don't have to do that," I asserted, trying to get him to reconsider this little plan. Irrational thoughts of being spammed continuously by this runt filled my head, and it wasn't pleasant. I really didn't need another stressor in my life. "It's not really your responsibility, so..."

"You're right," He replied. "It's supposed to be your responsibility, but since you're so incompetent at it, you might as well let me do this. Otherwise, you might as well forget coming to class. I'm not going to bother with a student that doesn't take care of themself."

I blinked in disbelief. Did this really mean that much to him? Was he honestly so uptight that he would refuse to coach me unless I guzzled water and protein drinks all day, or something? Or... was that just a fib? Maybe he didn't care if he had to teach a lethargic student... Maybe... he actually cared about me??


Pfft! Stop, stop, stop! You're too funny! I thought to myself, willing my expression to remain blank. It was seriously so funny to me that I'd thought for even a second that Yuri cared about me. Maybe I was just getting confused because he was trying to help me. Even if it was just to make his life easier, I must've subconsciously confused his gesture as an attempt to grow closer to me or make sure I was taking care of myself. Seriously, I crack myself up. I have to stop!!!


I sighed, giving in and pulling out my own phone. The two of us exchanged numbers, despite my inner protests, and I left feeling more confused and dumbfounded than ever before.


When I arrived home, a lovely surprise awaited. I say this with a sarcastic tone, but I'm not sure why. It really was the perfect reward for getting through the week.

My parents were both in the living room, seemingly waiting for my arrival. I noticed that recently, this had been the case fairly often. It was as if they had nothing better to do than wait for their child to arrive home so they could drop bombshells like nobody's business. So I was understandably wary when this scene greeted me yet again.

Maybe they're going to confront me about what I said the other day, I thought gloomily, already assuming the worst. I knew I'd have to own up to that eventually...

Instead of appearing angry, however, the two of them actually looked quite cheerful. That and... a little nervous? Were they excited or terrified? Hell if I knew.

"(Y/n)," My dad started. "We... have a surprise for you."

"Okay?" I began cautiously. "Why do you say that like you're about to give me my dog's carcass wrapped up in a bow?"

This made them chuckle, which made me feel a little less apprehensive. Clearly this wasn't meant to be a difficult conversation.

"That's not important, (Y/n)," said my mom jovially, still smiling after my little joke. "So... Your father and I have noticed that you've been working really hard recently, and we wanted to reward you for that."

"Since we don't usually do that," My dad cut in, picking up where she left off. "And you really deserve a break. So, your mother and I..."

Why do they keep doing that? Just tell me already, geez...

The way they were beating around the bush had me wondering if I was about to hate what they were going to say. I knew it was supposed to be a good thing, but it sure didn't seem that way with the way they were acting.

"We've bought tickets to the Junior Grand Prix."






I think at that moment I must've looked way less excited than I actually was. It felt like I'd gotten slapped across the face with a dead fish, but in a good way, if one can picture that. It was unexpected and stunning, and made me feel disgusted with shock, but it also made me feel like jumping up and down and screaming and laughing and having a full on panic attack... all out of happiness, I assure you.

After a moment, my parents began trying to snap me out of my stunned expression.

"...(Y/n)? Are you oka-"

"REALLY?!" I shouted, startling my mother so badly that she stumbled backwards and almost tripped.

"Are you SERIOUS right now? You actually bought tickets?"

By now, I think that (thankfully) my excitement was clear, and my parents responded with relief and giddiness, in turn.

"Of course we're serious... Why would we lie about something like that, silly?"

I couldn't stop beaming, which I would've been embarrassed about if I had the presence of mind to care. For once, my parents had actually pulled through. For once, the choice they'd made for me had been a good one. For once, I went to bed feeling like I'd gained my first advantage over life.

Well, almost. I was about to lie down to sleep when I got a message on my phone.

Tired, stupidly giddy and certain I must be drunk on all this emotion, I didn't make the connection between what had happened earlier today and this text message. When I first opened it, I was confused.

I figure it'd be best to start this on a weekend, so you're ready for class on Monday. So first thing's first: Go drink at least eight ounces of water right now, and DON'T stay up late.

Who's this? Thought stupid, silly little me. Who the fuck texts people so formally??

Then it caught up with me, and I sighed. In my excitement, I'd completely forgotten about Yuri's threatening promise to make sure I'm healthy. But... It didn't feel that bad. Maybe I was just apathetic because nothing could undermine the sheer joy of receiving the amazing news I'd received today. Maybe the reality made me see that getting one little text message every now and then couldn't possibly be as bad as I'd envisioned. Whatever the reason, reading Yuri's message put a goofy grin on my face.

Obediently, I went to the kitchen, poured myself a tall glass of water, and drank it in long, thirsty gulps.

Change of Heart - Yuri Plisetsky x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now