Chapter 18: Reconciliation

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Wei Jianwei frowned slightly and said, "They say that young girls like it."

He Xiaoyun estimated that the women he was talking about were shop assistants, and said: "They have to say so in order to be able to sell the goods. I don't like it either. I just can't put them on. It's a pity to put them on."

Wei Jianwei nodded again.

There was an awkwardness, and now the two of them stay together, but the atmosphere seems to be more natural and harmonious than before.

He Xiaoyun helped him to tear off the bamboo leaves from the bamboo branches. The two worked together, and the speed was much faster. In the meantime, they caught a bamboo elephant. She ran home and took a thread and tied it to the bamboo elephant's nose. The insect spread its wings and buzzed and flew around, but couldn't fly away.

When Wei Yuanhang woke up, he was so happy when he saw that there were jelly to eat and bamboo elephants to play with.

"I'll show it to Yanyan!" He ate the jelly and couldn't wait to pull the string out to show off.

He Xiaoyun shook her head, "When the fart is big, he will be long and short all day long. This kid will definitely marry his wife and forget his mother."

Feng Qiuyue chuckled when she heard it, "I just heard Mom say this today."

"What's wrong with mom?" He Xiaoyun was curious.

"It's Jianwei," Feng Qiuyue looked at her teasingly, "At noon, not long after you went back to the house, Jianwei came back with a box. Mom opened it and looked at the shoes. At a glance, I could tell that they were worn by young people. After Jianwei returned to the house, my mother babbled to me, saying that when my son was so old, he had never bought shoes for her. I've forgotten my mother-in-law!"

He Xiaoyun didn't expect to be embarrassed by Feng Qiuyue's smile because of those shoes.

Feng Qiuyue said again: "But mom just said that, don't take it to heart. She also told me that Jianwei was not at home all year, and you took the child by yourself and had to work again. It is rare for him to come back. You should be considerate."

She said this for relief, but He Xiaoyun listened, not knowing why, and felt embarrassed, so she hurriedly said: "The shoes he bought can't be worn at all."

"It's not surprising that you can't wear it. Do you know that when Jianguo and I first met, he gave me a hair rope. What color is it?"


"It would be great if it was red, he gave it green!"

He Xiaoyun laughed, "Then how to wear it out?"

"Yeah, when he saw that I didn't wear it, he was ashamed to ask why, do you want me to put grass on my head all day? So these men, he knows that it's good for you to buy things. We can open one eye and close one eye." Feng Qiuyue smiled rather helplessly.

After Wei Jianwei finished making the broom, he saw that there was a lot of bamboo left, so he re-arranged a fence for the chicken coop. The original one was old.

He Xiaoyun cooked over the fire, the dinner was ready, and she called him to come back for dinner, and Wei Yuanhang followed her around.

"Mom, does the bamboo elephant eat bamboo?"

"They eat bamboo shoots a lot. After being eaten, bamboo shoots can't grow into bamboo."

The child said: "Then they are bad bugs!"

"It's a pest." He Xiaoyun smiled and corrected.

Wei Yuanhang nodded and asked, "Why are they called Bamboo Elephants?"

He Xiaoyun thought for a while, and Hu Bian said: "It should be because they are like elephants, with long noses."

The child nodded again, seeming to understand, and then asked again in the next second: "What is an elephant?"

"It's a very big animal with a very long and very long nose." He Xiaoyun replied casually, fearing that he would still have problems, and said hurriedly: "Here, let's see if Dad is ready, we are going to eat. "

The child's attention was diverted, and he jumped to his father and ran to him, "Dad, we are going to eat!"

Wei Jianwei just finished finishing, packed up his tools and stood up, "Okay."

He Xiaoyun walked over and said, "Let's go quickly. When the sun goes down, there will be more mosquitoes in the bamboo forest."

"Yeah." Wei Jianwei nodded, glanced at her, and then turned back again after turning away.

"What are you looking at?" He Xiaoyun joked, "Is there a mosquito on my face?"

Wei Jianwei nodded, "There are mosquitoes." He stretched out his hand.

He Xiaoyun subconsciously wanted to step back, stopped again, and said a little uncomfortable: "Where? I'll do it myself."

One of Wei Jianwei's fingers had already landed on her cheek, and he wiped it down, then showed her the finger, "It's a big mosquito."

She fixed her eyes to see that there was no mosquito. It was clearly a small piece of firewood dust. It should have floated on her face when it was just burned. When he touched it like this, she must have a black mark on her face now.

She looked at the smile in Wei Jianwei's eyes, raised her fist and smashed him, "Hey, give me a punch!"

Wei Yuanhang heard it and remembered the Journey to the West that his mother had read to him before, and quickly said: "Mum and mother are wrong. It's'Hey, take my grandson a stick!'"

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