Party 7

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Buckys pov
Y/n quickly walked out and I didn't see her come back in. I don't know what that was but she looked really upset.

I walk over to nat and Wanda and they were look at me smiling

"Well Barnes that was something" nat said easing her eyebrows

"Ya but Umm did you see her run out?"

"Ya what was that about?"

I look towards the door "I have no idea"

"You should go after her, see what's wrong" Wanda suggest

I look at them and the both smile at me

I walk off in the direction y/n went and found myself going to her room.

I knock on the door but don't get an answer

"Y/n?" I call out and still no answer

"Y/n I know your in there." She still doesn't answer

"Listen I wanna know if I did something wrong I-" suddenly the door opens and y/n pops up

"What Barnes" she didn't look happy

"What's wrong what happened?" My eyebrows pinch together

"Why are you being so nice to me? It's weird barnes leave me alone"

"What are you talking about? And you ask me to dance!" Now I was starting to get kinda angry

"Well I didn't want to Wanda made me with her stupid magic fingers"

"What? Ok hold on I thought we were good?"

"Why would we be?"

"Well, I-I don't know we seemed fine while we were dancing. Doll what's going on?"

"Nothings going on bucky I just don't like you!"

Ouch. I'm gonna pretend that didn't hurt so bad

"What?" I've said that a lot more tonight than I have in a week

"I. Don't. Like. You. Now please go away."

She closes her door and I'm left there confused. I look at her door one more time before heading to my own which was sadly on the same floor as hers.

Y/ns pov
I shut the door feeling really bad. He looked more hurt than anything and he was right we were good, I actually kinda liked him which is weird but I was just scared.

I didn't wanna say those things and it would have been better if he had just left me alone.

I would have been fine if he just went to his own room but no I panicked and left him feeling like no progress was made.

I knew things would be bad tomorrow and I couldn't help but dread tomorrow.

Time skip
It was the next morning and I was sitting at the counter with Wanda next to me. I was eating some cereal when Bucky came in. I looked at him but he didn't look at me once. He got some water and then went to the table watching the tv. Steve and nat came in and nat came and sat by me while Steve sat by Bucky.


"Hi" Nat looked at me and I knew she was about to ask about last night

"Sooo... how are things with Barnes?"

I look at her and then down at my cereal

"Worse than before" I frown

"What! What do you mean babe?"

"I don't know" I put my head in my hands
"One moment we were dancing having a good time and im getting jealous and mad and then we're fighting!" I whisper yell trying to be as quiet as possible being that he was right behind us

"Oh my gosh y/n! Why did you mess it up this would've been good for you guys!"

"Me! Why are you blaming just me he had to do with it as well!"

"Y/n we both know you were the main problem."

"I was" I frown even more it that's possible

Of course I was the main problem I always was. I always ruin good things for myself!

"Babe what's going on in that head of yours?" Nat rubs my back

" he said something last night and my dumbass asked how many girls he said it to. Then I got jealous and,gosh I'm an idiot" I complained

"Ya you are"


"What?" She laughed

"Look it may be hard now but it'll get better trust me." She gave me a reassuring smile

I nodded and the started eating my cereal again.

Buckys pov
I see y/n and nat talking and I get mad that I'm not the one talking to her

I don't know why but I felt bad about last night. I hated this. I was suppose to come here so I could be with my best friend again. But no I HAD to catch feeling for the girl who hated me the most.

I don't know why I thought something changed.

"You ok pal?" Steve pats my back

"Ya why"

"Your staring pretty hard at something. Or someone..?" He looks back at y/n. She had her head in her hands.

I sigh

"I don't know what goin on Steve. One moment we're smiling and having a good time and the next she's just... I don't know, yelling at me to leave her alone. I don't understand her!"

"Well... have you tried to actually talk to her"

"Ya but she ends up yelling at me!"

"Ok ok ummm..." he thought for a moment " ok I'll ask nat about anything to see what going on ok? If anyone know how she feels it's her or Wanda"

"Ok. Thanks Steve" I sigh and try to smile at him. Honestly being the winter soldier I never thought I'd be at the avengers tower haveing a hard time with girls. Life is weird.

Bucky x y/n Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora