Part 1

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Y/n pov
I haven't always been the best with words or anything really. I guess I've just lived life and never really payed attention. I don't take most thing seriously and I try and make people around me happy. I guess you could say I'm a people pleaser... and I'm not proud.

I always try my best to make myself happy and it can get hard being that I'm not  normal. I was taken at a young age after my mom passed away. I never met my dad, leaving me young, scared and alone at the age of 10.

When my mom died I didn't really know what to do after. I always tried to see the best in things and people... even after I got kidnapped.

I was homeless, and hungry having no clue what to do with myself when suddenly a scary looking guy started following me. I didn't know what to do so the first thing my dumb Little brain though was to go down an alley.

Now that I think about it, I was so fucking stupid back then. Anyways I had gone down an alley when more guys came from the top of the other buildings. I looked around as I saw the guys. one thought ran through my head. Well shit.

The next thing I knew I was in a dark room and in a cell. Where? I don't know. But you know I didn't really care at this point because I don't know what day it is or where I am. So when guys came and got me, put me in a chair, and tied me up? I let them. When they beat me? I let them. When they did anything really? I let them. Because I was nothing anymore.

Now, 12 years later... im with the avengers. Im doing ok now with my new, mmmm... family... I guess. They're alright.

A year ago when I was with hydra, years of training and shit, captain American and iron man came to my rescue. Yay

Now a year later im here with them all living In New York, and decently happy.

I'm pretty close with everyone now and they all know my story, I know all theirs and we go on missions and stuff like that.

Although I'm close and stuff with everyone I'm closest with Nat, Steve, and I think kinda a little Tony. I'm also just getting along with Wanda, she just joined the avengers.

I'm not gonna lie I wasn't a fan at first being that she messed with my mind and brought up my pass and even more anxiety, but I gave her a second chance and she's actually pretty cool.

Anyways enough about me. It a new day and I was sitting eating breakfast at the island in the kitchen. Nat was watching funny animal videos next to me while thor and Clint were playing a bored game with Clint's kids ( he bring them sometimes) and Scott ( I just met him a few months ago and he's AWESOME!!) was watching some cooking show with Wanda and Vision.

I love cooking!!

Anyways we were all doing that when Tony and Steve came in arguing about something.

"Come on Tony he my best friend"

" Steve I don't know I don't wanna put everyone in danger"

" he won't! You know that too but you just don't like him because he killed ur mom and dad"

Oop things just got interesting

As I pretended I wasn't listening, to be honest I think everyone was doing that, tony gave Steve a nasty looking glare. That's when my dumb ass said something.

" watcha guys talkin about?"
They both look at me. Steve glanced at tony hesitant to tell me but then continued on.

" I want a friend to come stay here till he better but he... he's done some things and Tony's "worried" about him being here"

" oh. Well why not tony? I mean I'm sure we could all Handle ourselves?"

Tony looks at me thinking of most likely an excuse " I don't know..."

"Please tonnnyyyyy." I give him puppy dog eyes

He rolls his eyes crossing his arms "..... fiinee" he groans out

I look at Steve as tony walks out of the room mumbling shit. 'Thank you' he says quietly and I smile and nod while I continue to eat my cereal.

Well... a new guy i guess yay!

I honestly feel like this is ok,maybe idk lmk! Also thank for reading my story😁

Bucky x y/n Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora