Part 2

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Y/n pov

It was a week later until the new guy showed up. We didn't do anything fancy like we would usually do for new ppl so that was kinda odd.

We were all in the living room except Steve. Tony was in the kitchen complaining to pepper as she rolled her eyes at him.

I was on my phone, laying with my feet on nat and the t.v was playing finding dory. Yes they were the earth's mighty hero's but man when I say it was almost like a daycare here half the time.

Steve came through the elevator and was quite as he sat one the couch next to me.

" hey" I I look and smile to him

He smiles back but doesn't say anything

" you ok Stevie?" I asked worried because he always said hi at least.
" umm ya kinda I guess not really" he looked down

" what going on? Ooo is it about the new guy" I smile at him trying to keep the mood light. I hated when people were upset

" umm kinda ya. He's my best friend from the 40s but... not the same. He's been through a lot" he looks down

" well you didn't expect him to be the same right? I mean if I'm right, he's been through a lot in what, 70 years?" I let out a breath "damn you guys are old"

He chuckles and relaxes a bit

" ya I know. I guess I just, I don't know I though things would be different, but instead he more quiet and doesn't want to be around people"

" give him time. Hell come around" I squeeze his hand and we smile at each other.

Time skip
It was now dinner and everyone was at the table chatting away

I always loved dinner when everyone got together and talked.

Tonight was different tho. As I sat watching and waiting to get some of the food I saw Steve come in with a guy behind him.

I try to get a better look and as I do my heart stoped. It was the winter soldier.

He had done so many things to me and had trained me often in hydra.

I sat there frozen, not being able to look away from him. I hated how I couldn't look away from him and then after a hot minute he looked at me and I came back to reality and looked down. I was suddenly not too hungry anymore.

Steve can and sat next to me like always but the soldier followed and sat next to him. I felt like I couldn't breath.

I closed my eyes and tried to calm down but I just kept going back to Hydra and I felt like I was suffocating. I suddenly stood up and it went quiet. I looked around as I felt my face heat up at the sudden attention.

" sorry, umm I have to pee" I awkwardly said as I hurried out the room. But I didn't go to the bathrooms. I went to my room. I stayed in there the rest of the night. It was one of the worst nights ever.

The next morning I woke up with a head ach and went down to the kitchen. I got some water and looked around for some food to eat.

" hey girly" I turned around to see nat " you ok? You left last night and never came back."

" umm ya, sorry about that I was really tired" I tried to laugh it off

She gave me an unamused look
"Right, you wanna tell me the truth now?" She lifted her one eyebrow and I felt like I was I trouble. Why? I don't fucking know.

I sighed in defeat

" the winter soldier" I mumble.
I really hated  talking about my feeling or thoughts but with nat I really had no choice. I guess it's fair tho because it was the same way with her.

"What do you mean babe?" She asked looking in the fridge. I walked over to the stools by the island and sat with my head in my hands.

" he trained me and... other things in hydra." I didn't know how to explain it. I really hated talking about it.

I think she could tell I was having a hard time with it because I could feel her concerned stare on me and then she asked a completely different question

" do you wanna go to the mall?"

I looked at her and smiled. I loved the mall. I nodded and we got dressed and got Wanda and then left.

Bucky x y/n Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon