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Fucking Tay. He sat on my bed, the package of pacifiers in his hands, my closet open. I storm over to him and try to snatch the pacifiers from his hand but he stands up and lifts them out of my reach with a smirk on his face.

"Why the hell are you here?!" I whisper yell, trying not to alert my dad to avoid further problems.

"I wanted to come see you. What, can't I come see a friend?" He sneered.

"I am not your friend." I go to grab the pacifiers again but he keeps them from my reach.

"Aw, that's not nice. What's with the pacifiers anyways?" He asks as he looks at the package.

"It's nothing! Just the result of some old nosy lady!" I rip the package from his hands and throw it across the room.

"Yeah, right. Just like all the other baby things? You really did stoop that low, huh?" He chuckles as he stuffs his hands in his jeans pockets.

"Why are you so nosy?!" I yell.

"Mel? You okay up there?!" My dad yells from downstairs.

"Y-yeah! Perfectly fine!" I close my door and lock it tightly before turning back to Tay. "Why are you here?"

"Hm, nevermind that. I got to go get my house ready got tomarrow, see you later." He went to leave but I grabbed his shoulder and shoved him back, instantly regretting it because he grabbed my wrist and twisted it back like 360 fucking degree, like whole ass turning wheel mother fucker.

I screamed in pain and cradled my wrist as he just started walking towards me, I fell back and scrambled away against the wall. He calmly looked at me as he walked forward until he was right in front of me where he crouched. He reached his hand out and wiped away the tears that had fell from my eyes.

"Get away from me!" I scream and push away from him as my dad starts banging on the door.

"What's going on in there?! Open this door now!" Tay looks at the door nonchalantly before getting up and unlocking the door which flew open instantly.

"I don't know what happened, we were playing around and he said he wanted to rough play and I told him no but he pounced at me still and then tumbled off the bed. He screamed and I think he landed on his wrist wrong, I tried to see if he was okay but he just screamed at me!" Honestly if I didn't know any better I would have believed his story, but I know better plus HE FUCKING RUINED MY WRIST! Atleast I can draw a circle now.

"Mel? Is this true?" Dad looked mildly disappointed and I could only look at him with shock. He believes him?!

"W-wah? No!" Dad shook his head and came over to me and lifted me up off the ground, being careful of my wrist which now looked bruised and swollen.

"Mel, you know better. I am so sorry for my sons behaviour." Tay nodded and dad took me to the bathroom where he wrapped my wrist.


His dad is very stupid. But when I found out by my lovely little sister how he wears diapers, I just had to see for sure right away, but he wasn't at school today so I went to his house which I had to follow Rachel for.

When I knocked on his door an older man opened the door, possibly in his thirty's but he also looked like Mel, so he could be a brother or dad.

"Hey sir, is Mel here? I'm his friend." I say sweetly with a smile.

"Mel!" The man calls.

"Yeah?" I hear Mel's voice from somewhere.

"Someone's here to see you!"

"Just send them upstairs to my room! I'll be in the shower!" Mel responded. The man sighs and gives me an apologetic smile before giving me directions to his room.

I thank him and head up to his room, which I quickly see is not an bland as I thought it would be. His room has dark grey carpet and light sage green walls that are covered in band posters, Stray Kids, Cavetown, 69 clues (Creator: That one isn't a band but is an Easter egg to one of my other stories), Mccafferty, and way more just littering his walls. He had a twin sized bed pissed up against the left back wall next to a window, the bed sheets were yellow with flowers which I found cute. A wooden desk was set up about a foot away from his bed, it had a drawer and a bright blue lamp. Along with the lamp was a cup with markers, colored pencils, pencils, and paint markers.

I opened the drawer and a small smile crept onto my lips at the sight of decorated pull ups.

"So maybe he is..." I mumble quietly. I decide that I shouldn't just assume before hand and that I need more evidence. I turn to the right wall where his closet is and walk over to it. I throw open the doors and a bag of items fall out, I crouch down and pick up the plastic bag, opening it up ansers most of my questions.

Inside I find a rattle, a pack of bee themed pacifiers, and a stuffie holding a mini blanket. I look at the package of two pacifiers and sit on his bed, only a little while later I hear the shower from across the hall turn off and soon the door open.

Mel comes into the room in a bear hoodie and a pair of shorts, while I just continue looking at the pacifiers with a bunch of thoughts racing my mind. Mel stomps over to me and tries to grab the pacifiers from my hand but I raise it away from his grasp.

"Why the hell are you here?!" He whisper yells.

"I wanted to come see you. What, can't I come see a friend?" I smirked

"I am not your friend." He goes to grab the pacifiers again but I keep them from his reach.

"Aw, that's not nice. What's with the pacifiers anyways?" I asks as he looks at the package.

"It's nothing! Just the result of some old nosy lady!" He rips the package from my hand and throws it across the room full force into a wa.

"Yeah, right. Just like all the other baby things? You really did stoop that low, huh?" I chuckle and stuff my hands in my pockets.

"Why are you so nosy?!" He yells angrily.

"Mel? You okay up there?!" The men yells from downstairs.

"Y-yeah! Perfectly fine!" So the man is his dad. He closes the door and locks it before turning back to me. "Why are you here?"

"Hm, nevermind that. I got to go get my house ready got tomarrow, see you later." I go to leave but I feel a hand grab my shoulder and shove me back, instantly I grab the wrist and twist it back.

He screamed in pain and cradled his wrist and I just started walking towards him, he fell back and scrambled away against the wall. I looked at him as I walked forward and crouched in front of him, I reached my hand out and wiped away the tears that had fell from the small boys eyes.

"Get away from me!" He screams and pushes away from me as his dad starts banging on the door.

"What's going on in there?! Open this door now!" I look at the door, guess I gotta start acting. I get up and unlock the door which slams open.

"I don't know what happened, we were playing around and he said he wanted to rough play and I told him no but he pounced at me still and then tumbled off the bed. He screamed and I think he landed on his wrist wrong, I tried to see if he was okay but he just screamed at me!" I say with "worry" and "fear" in my voice. I didn't want to hurt him, but he did roughly grab my and as an immediate response to being grabbed I simply did what I would to anyone else but gentler and less violent.

"Mel? Is this true?" His dad looks at him disappointed and I had to hold back a laugh. He actually believed me?

"W-wah? No!" Mel tried to defend himself but his dad shook his head  and lifted him off the ground.

"Mel, you know better. I am so sorry for my sons behaviour." I nod and his dad took him to the bathroom where he wrapped his wrist. I took that as my cue to leave and hopped in my car to drive to my current house.

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