ch 4 A battle that was force on Us

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Everyone was Worried for Cale
And some were angry because who whould do this to Children

Violan:What is the next One

Mary Was a bit hesitating Pressing another record

Then Hannah came

Hannah:Let me press

Hannah press a Record

Everyone was look at screen that was shown

{It look Like A Battle Field that was Painted White like winter}

Lee soo hyuk:A battle Field??

The others were getting a bit worried on the sight

{Then thier Came Kim rok soo From the right side Of the Arena and the The left a Girl}

{The Girl had white hair dark Grey eyes But didn't show any emotions her outfit was Quite Cute but arm and legs seems to have cuts all over and she has a Tail but it looks like a sharp blade Her face was covered by Black Scars Just Like Mary and H...

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{The Girl had white hair dark Grey eyes But didn't show any emotions her outfit was Quite Cute but arm and legs seems to have cuts all over and she has a Tail but it looks like a sharp blade Her face was covered by Black Scars Just Like Mary and Hannah's Black marks but the only difference was that it was not made by dark Mana........}

Mary and Hannah was shocked to see that girl had Black marks but it was more longer than Hannah's or Mary's Black marks

Rosalyn:Her eyes don't show any

Hong:She looks Scary Nya

Violan:Poor Child

Lily;Look theirs Orubani

Everyone look at the 10 year old Rok soo

{Kim rok soo Arms were Sharp like sword It color was Dark Bloody red it also looks like A Sharp CrystalsAnd he has Bandages on his face}

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{Kim rok soo Arms were Sharp like sword It color was Dark Bloody red it also looks like A Sharp Crystals
And he has Bandages on his face}

Everyone was shocked in horror on what happened to his arms

Eruhaben:Unlucky Bastard

Raon:What Happened To Weak Human's Arms!!!!!!!!!

On and Hong:Eekkk it Kinda looks scary Nyaa

Hong:But also Shiny

The others were shock to the Bone

{Then Someone From the speaker Spoke

XxxxxxxxX:Number 24 And Number 38 Let the battle begin

Choi han:Why are they Calling them Numbers?

Choi han ask his nephew

CJs Look a Bit Worried and said

CJs:I don't know Uncle

Everyone was wondering why they were calling Them numbers

Alberu didn't say anything just observing the record

Same goes for Beacroxs and Ron

{24:I...... Don't.......... Want....... To.............. Live...... Anymore

The girl's voice had no emotions

Then the girl started the battle by Jumping Really high and turning right To make the tail hit Rok soo

But Rok soo was already on guard and was one step a head of him}

(Ok soo I don't know how to make epic battle's so I am Just gonna do some Screen shots if that's ok)

Raon:Human Look out!!!!

On and Hong:Cake Be Careful Nyaaa!!!!



Violan and Deruth:Cale!!!!!!


Lsh And CJs:Rok soo!!!!!!

To Be Continued

Anyway Cliffhanger Lol
Thank you for reading

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