You have access to my abilities now, Emilie. I'm here to show you how to use them before you hurt yourself or someone else.

"Oh, okay." I grab the hairbrush and start combing through my hair. "Can we start with the projecting?"

No. That's the least important. We're starting with your hearing.

I pause, my hand frozen halfway through a brush stroke. "Why? It doesn't even work half the time. I still must strain my ears to hear shit."

Not anymore.

Just as she says that I can suddenly hear everything. I can hear the water rushing through the pipelines, and the cars honking in the busy traffic seven floors below. I can hear my heartbeat, my blood rushing. The shallowness of Grace's breathing as she sleeps and the unique pattern of her heart beating. It was steady, calming, just like the rest of her. I distinguish Sierra's heartbeat because it's faster and her breathing is deeper. Two other heartbeats steal my attention, beating as fast as lightning, and then there is one that is beating slower than they are.

The brush falls from my grip, hitting the counter before landing on the floor as I slap my hands over my ears. My head is snapping in all different directions as the sounds come to me. The sudden noise makes me wince. I can feel an impending headache brewing.

Focus on my voice, Emilie. Filter through the noise.

But I can't. Everything is just so loud. The toilet flushing in the apartments next to ours. Moaning across the hall. Cleaning service two doors down. Another car honks. The elevator dings before the door open to unload a stampede of footsteps. Grace's heart beating. Sierra's heart beating . The twin's hearts beating. Irelee's heart beating, and her breathing. The blood rushing through my veins. My breathing...

I groan. "Make it stop..."

The pain makes me stumble and I feel as if I'm going to pass out. I grip the counter to steady myself. "Grace..."

No, no! Oriane protests. No Grace. You need to do this on your own. You can. Just focus. Focus on my voice.

"I can't hear anything! There's too much noise."

The shower goes off in the floor above us and I swear it makes my ears begin to bleed. Water is still rushing through the pipes at a deafening volume. The street lights change and it's way too loud. Who fucking knew that would be so loud? The cleaning service is in the hall with carts and the wheels against the floor are like nails dragging against metal. Grace's alarm goes off and that's the final hit that makes me topple over and starts throwing up in the sink.

And it keeps getting worse.

Emilie, focus! Oriane tries again.

She wasn't ready. Emma tries to tell her.

I wasn't ready. I agree because fuck. "I feel like I'm dying."

You're not dying. Just relax and try to breathe. Focus on me.

I try but something else catches my attention. Grace. She stirs in bed. Her heartbeat changes, quickens, and then slows down again. She's searching for me but then relaxes, kissing Sierra's face. A baby is crying in the other apartment building across the street and I wanna seal it's mouth shut. Someone farts and someone else doesn't like it, screaming their displeasure.

I slide to the floor, panting. Cold sweat is beading on my forehead as I struggle against the noise. The chaos.


The elevator dings again before they open. Footsteps drum against the hallway. Doors open and close. Carts wheel pass. The cleaners spray and mop and sweep. Coffee pours into a mug. Someone moans Samantha's name. Who the fuck is Samantha?

New Life (Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now