note 1 from me to you...

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Hey all!!!! Some hours earluer i wrote i am not continuing. Its true m not in a stte to continue.....but i really was touched how you people waited for over more than a year for my stories and tbeir happy ending here j am giving you a quick endings of my story that i dont die with a burden.

For my story.." So mang things i want to tell you".

So we left where we saw a leap of some omnths where there baby has been born ....but there was no Yejin.

I wnat yo tell you that in that story i wante dto write how Yejin was pregnant and how she was just about yo give birth to her baby when Erah arrives suddwnly in front of hed and kidnaos her .She ties her in a room which was far from theid house .
Bin when got to know this ( of couse Erah called thim) went in serch for her in excbange of the pendrive in which Erah recorded Yejin's videos.
But when he arrived and gave the pendrive to exchandlge of takjng Yejins hand ....suddeny he shot his own siiste Erah on hand ...due to which she was unable to grab the pendrive...and Bin then throws that pendrive in the fireplace.
Erah shouts and calss her men...
Bin and Yejin wants to escape and tbey run somehow saving thselves from the men.

They were in the middle when Yejin feels a sharp pain in her back and lower abdomen.She remains silent so ghat Bin doesnt gef botheded ...but when Bin feels her hand squeezing his hand reflwzively.....he turnedaround to see his wife in tears.He stopsand asks but the pain was increased so much that Yejin could only whimper in response .

Bin was in the middle of  the road with his wife moaning in pain.Bin decides to help Yejin delivee their child at that place only as there was no any vehicle coming and there was noone to ask help from.Bin somehow seesa restaurant where he sees a ahjumma .With help of Ahjumma Bin tries to help Yejin deliver their child.After twohours they headd their babys crying....everything was fine wgen ahjumma and Bin realised Yejin was bleeding heavily.Bin with thdir newborn in his hands was lost....and the nest thing he remebers that  be was in the hospitle....listeni g that Yejin was in coma.

He and the baby goes to meet Uejin gogetjef on tbat day when Bin relaisedthat today Erah had her hearing in the court.Yeas Erah was arrsated ...and the moment Bin tried to moveaway with thebaby go for heatimg he felt Yejin's eyelids moving.Bin after 40 days ofsttuggle got his Yejin back with their baby in his hamds and with his culprit hearing her punishment!!!!

Thats all the story ...and theylived happily ever afyer.

I wanted to wriet so many things...i wanted to tel so many things in this story....but destiny diding allow me.

Bye my lovely veiwera....adn for my another story they fell in love after that night ......YoonSeri was maaried as Hana died in an accident with her baby....nad her mother was injured godeathwith her last wishto Grt jeong Hyuek married to Yoon seri before she went into coma.
Deslite of Jeong Hyuek feeling infrrior about his age in front of Seri and Seri feeling Awkward in frknt of Seri...they fell in love.

Thsts alll ....thnku so much ...and m really very very very sorry!!!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2022 ⏰

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