A note from my side.

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Hey all!!! Hope u all are fine.Well I am not.I would not like to tell you about tje greivances of my life....but I cannot tell this lie either that everything is fine n m doing good....bcz m not.

I have unpublished my all the stories...so please dont bother yourself  to wait for them....bcz I have no isporatiom left to complete them....i leave them with a hope of geeting a happy emding for them.N for me i cant even say pray for me....bcz i hve lost my faith in prayers also.

Hope u understand my situation and forgive for making u all wait for so long.I Am Really Very Sorry!!!!

Stay safe .....stay happy....and thanku for all the love n support for my stories.
Untill then......

updateOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora