chapter 6: sorting and Camryn struggles with Trust issues part 1

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Camryn was just starting to wake up and as she woke up, she heard a knock on the Door and it woke up Terence Higgs, who was also asleep and She got off his lap and he went to open the door and was annoyed that it was Joseph Mackey, Audrey Mackey, Samuel Mackey, Ava Marks and Annie Marks. They all looked Mad and Terence was Furious at them for disturbing their peace. Terence wrapped his arm around Camryn and asked " how may I help you? Camryn looked at the other five first years and Noticed how Annie had Blonde hair and green Eyes, Ava had black hair and blue eyes, Audrey had Brown Hair and eyes, Annie had Black hair and green Eyes, Joseph had Brown Hair and eyes, And Sam Had Brown Hair and eyes.

Joseph said " Maybe you can tell me why there are so many Mudbloods coming to Hogwarts with Us This year? And why are you hugging that little girl? Is she scared? Is she Related to Harry, Addison, Matthew, Briannah and Jay potter? Because they were just rude to me and my friends for no good reason.
Suddenly Cassius Warrington, Peregrine Derrick,Adrian Pucey,Graham Montague and Marcus Flint along with the first years Makyla ,Kevin,Logan ,Robert ,David, peyton, Draco and Benjamin woke up to a bunch of noisy conflict in their Compartment and Looked at who was disturbing their nap and went to roll their eyes at Who disturbed them. Cassius wrapped his arm around his friend Kevin, Graham wrapped his arm around his friend David, Draco wrapped his arm around his friend Peyton, Adrian wrapped his arms around Logan and Robert and Marcus wrapped his arm around his friend Makyla. Joseph noticed that the other kids and Teengers were awake and said" So who are they? Your friends? The girl looks like she is stupid " he said About Camryn.

Makyla said " I am Makyla Dursley. Muggleborn witch.

Kevin said " I am Kevin Dursley. Muggleborn wizard. We have a sister named Izzy but she will be by in a little bit. She is chatting with Our Other cousins and siblings.

Benjamin said " I am Benjamin Dursley. Muggleborn wizard.

Robert said " I am Robert Dursley. Muggleborn wizard.

Camryn shly said " I am Camryn potter and I am a first year Hogwarts student.

Logan said " I am Logan potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student.

Peyton said " I am Peyton potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student.

David said " I am David Potter and I am also a first year Hogwarts student. We have a brother named Alain but he will be by in a little bit because he is checking in on our other siblings and Cousins.

Draco, who looked annoyed said " I am Draco Malfoy and I am a also first year Hogwarts student. I know who you are. You are a first year like us. Your parents are very good friends with mine and you don't like me at all for some reason I don't know why.

Audrey Mackey said " Uhg, more stupid little Mudbloods? What has the world come to?

Sam looked guilty for just being part of the Bullying that was taking place Right at the moment . He didn't believe in the blood traitors s tuff and he didn't like Calling Muggleborns Disgusting names such as little stupid Mudbloods. But he couldn't stand up to his brother at all because he would get in trouble with their parents and siblings too.

Sam was youngest of the three born. So they have pretty much ignored him. Audrey was the most spoiled because she was actually the youngest girl in the Family. Joseph was also spoiled Rotten because he believed in all of the Pureblood stuff and Called witches and Wizards who were Muggleborns really horrible names like Mudbloods. He has five older sisters and three older brothers. He thinks that Camryn Potter is pretty and super cute. He blushed at the thought.

Terence said "can you please leave this compartment? I will talk to you guys later. I am busy hanging out with my friends at the moment and I promise you That I will see you at hogwarts tonight. Noticing the blush on Samuel Mackey's face, he tighten his hug on Camryn and glared at him which made Samuel Mackey scared him to no end.

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