Chapter 3: Monthly Movie Night

Start from the beginning

Dylan was still in Ryan's arms and looked up at him, as Ryan looked down.

D: "I didn't know you were that strong."

Dylan poked his flexed bicep comically, still hanging in his arms.

D: "Jeez..."

R: "There's lots of things you don't know about me, Dylan."

D: "Ooh! How mysterious..."

Ryan chuckled, amused. Dylan stared at Ryan, with involved eyes.

D: "Like what?"

R: "Like the fact I'm secretly... a massive, green, shapeshifting alien who eats people."

D: "You can eat me, I'm cool with that."

Ryan chuckled slightly. Then they smiled at each other again, looking in each other's eyes.

R: "Okay. I'm putting you down now. You're heavy."

D: "Um! How rude of you."

Ryan tilted his arms left, Dylan's feet touched the ground and he stood normally.

R: "I'm sure it's just your overwhelmingly large wit."

D: "Fine, I forgive you."

They both chuckled.

Emma walked over to the rest of the counsellors, now with her phone.

E: "Look how pretty!"

Emma showed the photo: it was a great shot, and was very wholesome. Everyone looked extremely happy, and everyone was posing with someone. 

Everyone but Kaitlyn. Still, she looked cool and happy, posing with her hand on her hip, and looking like her usual confident self.

K: "What would that even be called?"

E: "What would what be called?"

K: "Like, seventh wheeling?"

Most people awkwardly laughed at this, since Emma and Jacob were the only ones to actually confess their feelings for one another. 

E: "Hm, I guess. Three couples and an independent woman who don't need no man."

People looked confused at this remark. Ryan and Abi were in particular quite embarrassed.

K: "True. Men are as reliable as hand-free soap dispensers."

Ryan chuckled.

D: "What?! Kaitlyn... I am tragically offended!"

K: "Except you Dylan, you know I love you."

Dylan smiled, and put his hand on his hip.

J: "Well what about me?!"

K: "Like I said. Hand-free soap dispenser."

J: "The fuck does that even mean?!"

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