Chapter 3

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Previously On Meg's Boyfriend:

As they start eating their lunch Neil Goldman starts walking to the table.

Meg prepared herself to fight him off, but he stopped suddenly which confused her.

Isaiah said something to the ginger head boy and he walked off clearly annoyed at the tall attractive boy.

He then starts walking over to her table. Meg's heart starts to race and her palm starts to sweat.

In a flash, she glances at her friends to see them leaving the table to give them some privacy.

"Guys what do I do?" She said in a hushed tone. They all smiled at her.

"Talk to him." Was the reply she got and they were gone. With annoyance, she turned her attention back to Isaiah.

He towered over her, and he smiled at her. " Do you mind if I sit here?" He asks.

Meg nodded.

She had no other choice but to speak to him. "Sure, go right ahead." She said nervously.

Once they finished their food, they started to talk. But Meg wanted to know something.

That's if he was comfortable with telling her, people always bullied her, so she never talks to anyone besides her 3 female friends and they have their own lives.

"Isaiah, can I ask you a question?" Meg asks.

"Sure, go ahead."

"How long have you been here?"


Isaiah paused and got lost in his thoughts. He really hasn't thought about all that.

A smile was on his lips before he knew it. But he winces when he felt the pain. He forgot all about the fight from earlier.

Meg saw his reaction and frowned. "Are you okay? Do you need some help?".

She stood up to get the nurse but Isaiah grabbed her arm and stopped her. "No, I am fine. It's nothing I can't handle. And besides, do you see how big I am? I beat him up those little kids. That's what they are to me, little kids. And I have been here since my freshman year. We probably haven't seen each other until then ".

Meg nodded.

"So what does your name stand for Megan right?" Isaiah asks.

Meg shook her head and frowned. "No, actually it stands for something else".

"Like what?" He said in a bored tone and began to eat his pasta.

Meg hummed. "My original name was Megan, but my idiot father changed it to Megatron. So yeah my name is Megatron. I will change it once I graduate. No one should be called that ridiculous name."

She wanted to cry, but she held herself and sucked in her emotion.

She would not look weak in front of her crush.

Isaiah nodded. He understands some things were a private matter. But he felt like there was more to her story.

And he would find out about everything.

So the two talked until it was time for their next-period class.

After the end of the day after school. Isaiah walks to his car but someone stopped him.

He braces himself just in case he needs to lay someone out.

"Hey, I would watch my back if I was you." A voice replies.

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